Opiniated ESLint configuration that follow Allure design system recommendations
This configuration already includes @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
, @typescript-eslint/parser
, eslint-config-prettier
and eslint-plugin-react
It still requires eslint >= 7.0.0
, typescript >= 3.7.0
and react >= 16.8.0
- If they are not already present, install the correct versions of each required package:
yarn add react
yarn add eslint typescript -D
- Install the configuration in your devDependencies:
yarn add @ticketmaster/eslint-config-allure -D
- Add
"extends": "@ticketmaster/eslint-config-allure"
to your .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
"extends": "@ticketmaster/eslint-config-allure"
- You can now use ESlint with the Allure configuration in your project.
It is recommended to add the two following scripts into you packages.json to facilitate your usage of ESlint
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint '*/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'",
"lint:fix": "yarn lint --fix"