What is @tiptap/extension-ordered-list?
@tiptap/extension-ordered-list is an extension for the Tiptap editor that allows users to create and manage ordered lists within their rich text content. It provides a set of functionalities to easily integrate ordered lists into the Tiptap editor, making it simple to add, edit, and manipulate ordered lists in a structured and user-friendly manner.
What are @tiptap/extension-ordered-list's main functionalities?
Add Ordered List
This feature allows you to add an ordered list to the Tiptap editor. By importing the OrderedList extension and including it in the editor's extensions, you can use the `toggleOrderedList` command to add an ordered list to the editor content.
import OrderedList from '@tiptap/extension-ordered-list';
const editor = new Editor({
extensions: [
Toggle Ordered List
This feature allows you to toggle an ordered list on and off within the editor. The `toggleOrderedList` command can be used to switch between an ordered list and regular text.
Set Ordered List Attributes
This feature allows you to set attributes for the ordered list, such as the starting number. The `setOrderedList` command can be used to customize the ordered list's attributes.
editor.chain().focus().setOrderedList({ start: 3 }).run();
Other packages similar to @tiptap/extension-ordered-list
prosemirror-schema-list is a ProseMirror schema extension that provides list node types and commands for working with ordered and unordered lists. It offers similar functionalities to @tiptap/extension-ordered-list but is designed for use with the ProseMirror editor directly, rather than the Tiptap framework.
Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor that includes built-in support for ordered lists. It offers similar functionalities to @tiptap/extension-ordered-list but is a standalone editor with its own set of features and extensions.

Tiptap is a headless wrapper around ProseMirror – a toolkit for building rich text WYSIWYG editors, which is already in use at many well-known companies such as New York Times, The Guardian or Atlassian.
Official Documentation
Documentation can be found on the Tiptap website.
Tiptap is open sourced software licensed under the MIT license.