AMP Filters
Initial install
Install NodeJS and npm.
Install gulp
$ sudo npm install -g gulp
Install all of the package.json dependencies locally. Run this command from inside this folder.
$ npm install
Call npm install
after each pull to make sure latest build plugins are there.
$ npm install
When adding new dev/build dependencies, use the --save-dev
option for npm so that they are added to package.json
, so that other developers can keep up to date. Make sure to commit the updated package.json
to version control when you commit.
$ npm install jshint --save-dev
All commands are automated with gulp, and configured in gulpfile.js.
Lint javascript and css sources
$ gulp lint
Javascript sources will also be linted when running gulp dev
, check the terminal logs for issues.
Please always lint your code :)
Production builds
Compiled versions for testing and distribution are in dist/
. The amp-filter.js version in dist
is uglified. Under src/compiled-js/amp-filter.js you can find the original, more readable, version
$ gulp build
The older way of handling amp-filters (before gulp was introduced) is still available.
You can also still run it outside gulp by doing:
Broserify must be installed and on the $PATH
$ browserify src/main.js -t brfs -s ampFilter -o dist/amp-filter.js
$ uglifyjs ./dist/amp-filter.js > ./dist/amp-filter.min.js
You can also use watchify with the same arguments, for development:
$ watchify src/main.js -t brfs -s ampFilter -o dist/amp-filter.js
The lessc compiler must be installed and on the $PATH
$ sudo npm install -g less
$ lessc src/less/amp-filters.less > dist/amp-filter.css
$ rm -r dist/img && cp -r src/img dist/img