Courier React Inbox
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Client Install
- Courier Provider
- Using Transport
- Props
- Inbox Config
What is Courier React Inbox?
Courier React Inbox is a react component that you can add to your application show your users a list of recent messages they have received over a push
Upcoming Features:
How does @trycourier/react-inbox work?
The react inbox requires a backend to pull messages. This is all done through the CourierProvider
and requires an account at Courier. To set up Courier Inbox you will need to install Courier from the integrations page. Courier Push integration
After installing the integration you will be provided with a Client Key
As of right now, we will fetch all messages sent to any push
channel and display them in the inbox
yarn add @trycourier/react-inbox
In order for the Toast
component to be placed in the dom you will need to use the ToastProvider
. This will handle context and give us access to the show
The component you want to listen to toasts from must be a child of the ToastProvider
Check here for more information on this concept.
import { Inbox, CourierProvider } from "@trycourier/react-inbox";
function App() {
return (
<CourierProvider userId={yourUserId} clientKey={yourClientKey}>
<Inbox />
To let your inbox listen for new messages, you will need to add a transport
. Using the courier transport
will automatically handle the listening, and invocation through web sockets.
In order to display messages for a specific user you will also need to supply the recipientId as the userId to the CourierProvider. All messages sent through Courier have a recipientId and you can see that in the Data tab or from the request you are sending.
Check out this for more information on recipients
Using the Courier Transport
import {
} from "@trycourier/react-inbox";
const courierTransport = new CourierTransport();
function MyComponent() {
useEffect(() => {
courierTransport.subscribe("YOUR_CHANNEL", "YOUR_EVENT");
return () => courierTransport.unsubscribe("YOUR_CHANNEL", "YOUR_EVENT");
}, []);
return (
<CourierProvider transport={courierTransport} clientKey="my-client-key">
<Inbox />
Key | Type | Description |
config | InboxConfig | See Inbox Config |
title | string | Title of the Inbox |
theme | Theme | Theme object used to override base styles |
renderIcon | FunctionComponent | Override Indicator Icon Component |
renderHeader | FunctionComponent | Override Header Component |
renderMessage | FunctionComponent | Override Message Component |
renderFooter | FunctionComponent | Override Footer Component |
Key | Type | Description |
defaultIcon | `string | false` |
interface ITheme {
footer?: React.CSSProperties;
header?: React.CSSProperties;
icon?: React.CSSProperties;
messageList?: {
container?: React.CSSProperties;
message?: {
actions?: {
container?: React.CSSProperties;
details?: React.CSSProperties;
dismiss?: React.CSSProperties;
body?: React.CSSProperties;
container?: React.CSSProperties;
icon?: React.CSSProperties;
title?: React.CSSProperties;
unreadIndicator?: React.CSSProperties;
tabList?: {
container?: React.CSSProperties;
tab?: React.CSSProperties;
root?: React.CSSProperties;