What is @types/loader-utils?
@types/loader-utils provides TypeScript type definitions for the loader-utils package, which is a collection of utilities for webpack loaders.
What are @types/loader-utils's main functionalities?
The getOptions function retrieves the options passed to the loader. This is useful for customizing the behavior of the loader based on user-provided options.
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
const options = loaderUtils.getOptions(this);
The interpolateName function generates a filename based on a given pattern and the content of the file. This is useful for creating unique filenames for output files.
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
const interpolatedName = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this, '[name].[ext]', { content: 'file content' });
The parseQuery function parses a query string into an object. This is useful for extracting parameters from a query string.
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
const query = loaderUtils.parseQuery('?name=test&age=30');
The stringifyRequest function converts a request to a string that can be used in require or import statements. This is useful for dynamically generating module paths.
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
const request = loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, './path/to/module');
Other packages similar to @types/loader-utils
schema-utils provides utilities for validating options against JSON schemas. It is often used in webpack loaders and plugins to ensure that user-provided options are valid. Unlike loader-utils, which provides a variety of utilities, schema-utils focuses specifically on schema validation.
webpack-merge provides utilities for merging webpack configurations. It is useful for combining multiple configuration objects into a single configuration. While loader-utils focuses on utilities for loaders, webpack-merge is specifically designed for merging configurations.
enhanced-resolve is a resolver library used by webpack to resolve module paths. It provides advanced resolution capabilities such as aliasing and custom plugins. Unlike loader-utils, which provides general utilities for loaders, enhanced-resolve focuses on module resolution.