What is @types/react-reconciler?
@types/react-reconciler provides TypeScript definitions for the react-reconciler package, which is a low-level API for creating custom renderers in React. This package allows developers to build custom renderers that can manage how React components are rendered and updated in different environments.
Creating a Custom Renderer
This code demonstrates how to create a custom renderer using the react-reconciler package. The hostConfig object defines how the renderer should handle various operations like creating instances, appending children, and committing updates.
const Reconciler = require('react-reconciler');
const hostConfig = {
now: Date.now,
getRootHostContext: () => ({}),
getChildHostContext: () => ({}),
prepareForCommit: () => {},
resetAfterCommit: () => {},
createInstance: (type, props) => ({ type, props }),
appendInitialChild: (parent, child) => { parent.children = parent.children || []; parent.children.push(child); },
finalizeInitialChildren: () => {},
prepareUpdate: () => true,
shouldSetTextContent: () => false,
createTextInstance: text => text,
commitUpdate: (instance, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps) => { instance.props = newProps; },
commitTextUpdate: (textInstance, oldText, newText) => { textInstance = newText; },
removeChild: (parentInstance, child) => { parentInstance.children = parentInstance.children.filter(c => c !== child); }
const MyRenderer = Reconciler(hostConfig);
const container = MyRenderer.createContainer({}, false, false);
MyRenderer.updateContainer(<div>Hello, world!</div>, container, null, () => {});
Updating a Custom Renderer
This code demonstrates how to update the custom renderer created in the previous example. The update function changes the content of the container to a new React element.
const update = () => {
MyRenderer.updateContainer(<div>Hello, React!</div>, container, null, () => {});