What is @types/react-router-config?
@types/react-router-config provides TypeScript definitions for the react-router-config package, which is used to configure routes in a React application. It helps developers by providing type safety and autocompletion for route configuration objects.
What are @types/react-router-config's main functionalities?
Route Configuration
Defines an array of route configurations, specifying the path, whether the route should be matched exactly, and the component to render.
const routes: RouteConfig[] = [
path: '/',
exact: true,
component: HomeComponent
path: '/about',
component: AboutComponent
Nested Routes
Allows defining nested routes within a parent route, enabling complex routing structures.
const routes: RouteConfig[] = [
path: '/',
component: App,
routes: [
path: '/home',
component: HomeComponent
path: '/about',
component: AboutComponent
Route Matching
Uses the matchRoutes function to match a given pathname against the route configuration, returning an array of matched routes.
import { matchRoutes } from 'react-router-config';
const branch = matchRoutes(routes, '/about');
Other packages similar to @types/react-router-config
react-router is the core routing library for React. It provides a more comprehensive set of routing features compared to react-router-config, including hooks, context, and more dynamic routing capabilities.
react-router-dom is a package that provides DOM bindings for React Router. It includes components like BrowserRouter and Link, which are essential for web applications. It is more feature-rich and flexible compared to react-router-config.
react-router-redux is a package that integrates React Router with Redux. It allows for managing router state within a Redux store, providing a more unified state management approach. It offers different functionalities compared to react-router-config, focusing on state management.
npm install --save @types/react-router-config
This package contains type definitions for react-router-config (https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/tree/master/packages/react-router-config).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/react-router-config.
import { Location } from "history";
import * as React from "react";
import { match, RouteComponentProps, SwitchProps } from "react-router";
export interface RouteConfigComponentProps<Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}>
extends RouteComponentProps<Params>
route?: RouteConfig | undefined;
export interface RouteConfig {
key?: React.Key | undefined;
location?: Location | undefined;
component?: React.ComponentType<RouteConfigComponentProps<any>> | React.ComponentType | undefined;
path?: string | string[] | undefined;
exact?: boolean | undefined;
strict?: boolean | undefined;
routes?: RouteConfig[] | undefined;
render?: ((props: RouteConfigComponentProps<any>) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
[propName: string]: any;
export interface MatchedRoute<
Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string },
TRouteConfig extends RouteConfig = RouteConfig,
> {
route: TRouteConfig;
match: match<Params>;
export function matchRoutes<
Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string },
TRouteConfig extends RouteConfig = RouteConfig,
>(routes: TRouteConfig[], pathname: string): Array<MatchedRoute<Params, TRouteConfig>>;
export function renderRoutes(
routes: RouteConfig[] | undefined,
extraProps?: any,
switchProps?: SwitchProps,
): React.JSX.Element;
Additional Details
These definitions were written by John Reilly, and Mathieu TUDISCO.