What is @types/tmp?
@types/tmp provides TypeScript type definitions for the 'tmp' npm package, which is used to create temporary files and directories in a Node.js environment.
What are @types/tmp's main functionalities?
Create a Temporary File
This feature allows you to create a temporary file. The callback provides the file path, file descriptor, and a cleanup callback to remove the file when done.
const tmp = require('tmp');
tmp.file((err, path, fd, cleanupCallback) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('File: ', path);
console.log('Filedescriptor: ', fd);
Create a Temporary Directory
This feature allows you to create a temporary directory. The callback provides the directory path and a cleanup callback to remove the directory when done.
const tmp = require('tmp');
tmp.dir((err, path, cleanupCallback) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Dir: ', path);
Synchronous File Creation
This feature allows you to create a temporary file synchronously. The method returns an object with the file path and a remove callback.
const tmp = require('tmp');
const tmpobj = tmp.fileSync();
console.log('File: ', tmpobj.name);
Synchronous Directory Creation
This feature allows you to create a temporary directory synchronously. The method returns an object with the directory path and a remove callback.
const tmp = require('tmp');
const tmpobj = tmp.dirSync();
console.log('Dir: ', tmpobj.name);
Other packages similar to @types/tmp
fs-extra is a package that extends the native Node.js 'fs' module with additional methods, including methods for creating temporary files and directories. It provides more general file system utilities compared to 'tmp'.
temp is another package for creating temporary files and directories. It offers similar functionality to 'tmp' but with a different API. It also supports automatic cleanup of temporary files and directories.