UI5 Command Line Interface
Part of the UI5 Build and Development Tooling

This is a Pre-Alpha release!
The UI5 Build and Development Tooling described here is not intended for productive use yet. Breaking changes are to be expected.
Installing the UI5 CLI
Apparently, the modules that make up the UI5 Build and Development Tooling is not yet available on npm. See FAQ: Where are the npm packages?
git clone https://github.com/SAP/ui5-cli.git
cd ui5-cli
npm install
npm link
ui5 --help
CLI Usage
Usage: ui5 <command> [options]
build Build project in current directory
serve Start a webserver for the current project
tree Outputs the dependency tree of the current project to stdout. It takes all relevant parameters of ui5 build into account.
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to config file [string]
--translator, --t8r Translator to use. Including optional colon separated translator parameters. [string] [default: "npm"]
--verbose Enable verbose logging. [boolean]
--loglevel Set the logging level (error|warn|info|verbose|silly). [string] [default: "info"]
ui5 <command> --translator static:/path/to/projectDependencies.yaml Execute command using a "static" translator with translator parameters
ui5 <command> --config /path/to/ui5.yaml Execute command using a project configuration from custom path
ui5 build [options]
builds the project in the current directory.
dev Dev build: Skips non-essential and time-intensive tasks during build
preload (default) Build project and create preload bundles
self-contained Build project and create self-contained bundle
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to config file [string]
--translator, --t8r Translator to use. Including optional colon separated translator parameters. [string] [default: "npm"]
--verbose Enable verbose logging. [boolean]
--loglevel Set the logging level (error|warn|info|verbose|silly). [string] [default: "info"]
--all, -a Include all project dependencies into build process
--dest Path of build destination [string] [default: "./dist"]
--dev Dev mode: skips non-essential and time-intensive tasks during build [boolean]
--dev-exclude-project A list of specific projects to be excluded from dev mode (dev mode must be active for this to be effective) [array]
--include-task A list of specific tasks to be included to the default/dev set [array]
--exclude-task A list of specific tasks to be excluded from default/dev set [array]
ui5 build --all Preload build for project and dependencies to "./dist"
ui5 build --all --exclude-task=* --include-task=createDebugFiles generateAppPreload Build project and dependencies but only apply the createDebugFiles- and generateAppPreload tasks
ui5 build --all --include-task=createDebugFiles --exclude-task=generateAppPreload Build project and dependencies by applying all default tasks including the createDebugFiles task and excluding the generateAppPreload task
ui5 build dev --all --dev-exclude-project=sap.ui.core sap.m Build project and dependencies in dev mode, except "sap.ui.core" and "sap.m" (useful in combination with --include-task)
ui5 build dev Build project and dependencies in dev mode. Only a set of essential tasks is executed.
ui5 serve [options]
starts a webserver for the current project.
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to config file [string]
--translator, --t8r Translator to use. Including optional colon separated translator parameters. [string] [default: "npm"]
--verbose Enable verbose logging. [boolean]
--loglevel Set the logging level (error|warn|info|verbose|silly). [string] [default: "info"]
--port, -p Port to bind on (default for HTTP: 8080, HTTP/2: 8443) [number]
--open, -o Open webserver root directory in default browser. Optionally, supplied relative path will be appended to the root URL [string]
--h2 Shortcut for enabling the HTTP/2 protocol for the webserver [boolean] [default: false]
--accept-remote-connections Accept remote connections. By default the server only accepts connections from localhost [boolean] [default: false]
--key Path to the private key [string] [default: "$HOME/.ui5/server/server.key"]
--cert Path to the certificate [string] [default: "$HOME/.ui5/server/server.crt"]
ui5 serve Start a webserver for the current project
ui5 serve --h2 Enable the HTTP/2 protocol for the webserver (requires SSL certificate)
ui5 serve --config /path/to/ui5.yaml Use the project configuration from a custom path
ui5 serve --translator static:/path/to/projectDependencies.yaml Use a "static" translator with translator parameters.
ui5 serve --port 1337 --open tests/QUnit.html Listen to port 1337 and launch default browser with http://localhost:1337/test/QUnit.html
ui5 tree [options]
outputs the dependency tree of the current project to stdout. It takes all relevant parameters of ui5 build into account.
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to config file [string]
--translator, --t8r Translator to use. Including optional colon separated translator parameters. [string] [default: "npm"]
--verbose Enable verbose logging. [boolean]
--loglevel Set the logging level (error|warn|info|verbose|silly). [string] [default: "info"]
--full Include more information (currently the project configuration) [boolean]
--json Output tree as formatted JSON string [boolean]
ui5 tree > tree.txt Pipes the dependency tree into a new file "tree.txt"
ui5 tree --json > tree.json Pipes the dependency tree into a new file "tree.json"
ui5 init [options]
initializes the UI5 Build and Development Tooling configuration for an application or library project.
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to config file [string]
--translator, --t8r Translator to use. Including optional colon separated translator parameters. [string] [default: "npm"]
--verbose Enable verbose logging. [boolean]
--loglevel Set the logging level (error|warn|info|verbose|silly). [string] [default: "info"]
Please check our Contribution Guidelines.
Please follow our Contribution Guidelines on how to report an issue.
Release History
This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.