What is @umijs/route-utils?
@umijs/route-utils is a utility library for managing and manipulating routes in UmiJS applications. It provides a set of functions to handle route configurations, flatten nested routes, and match routes based on paths.
What are @umijs/route-utils's main functionalities?
Flatten Nested Routes
This feature allows you to flatten nested route configurations into a single-level array. This can be useful for simplifying route management and ensuring all routes are easily accessible.
const { flattenRoutes } = require('@umijs/route-utils');
const nestedRoutes = [
path: '/',
routes: [
{ path: '/home', component: 'Home' },
{ path: '/about', component: 'About' }
const flatRoutes = flattenRoutes(nestedRoutes);
Match Routes
This feature allows you to match a given path against a set of routes and retrieve the matched route(s). This is useful for route validation and dynamic route handling.
const { matchRoutes } = require('@umijs/route-utils');
const routes = [
{ path: '/home', component: 'Home' },
{ path: '/about', component: 'About' }
const matchedRoutes = matchRoutes(routes, '/home');
Generate Route Paths
This feature allows you to generate a path string from a path template and parameters. It is useful for creating dynamic URLs based on route parameters.
const { generatePath } = require('@umijs/route-utils');
const pathTemplate = '/user/:id';
const path = generatePath(pathTemplate, { id: 123 });
Other packages similar to @umijs/route-utils
React Router is a popular library for routing in React applications. It provides similar functionalities such as route matching and path generation, but it is more comprehensive and tightly integrated with React.
path-to-regexp is a utility for matching and parsing URL paths. It provides similar path matching and generation capabilities but is more low-level and not specifically tied to any framework.
route-parser is a lightweight library for parsing and generating URL routes. It offers similar functionalities for route matching and path generation but is simpler and more focused on basic route parsing.
npm i @umijs/route-utils --save
yarn add @umijs/route-utils
import { transformRoute, getMatchMenu } from '@umijs/route-utils';
const routes = [
path: '/welcome',
name: 'welcome',
path: '/admin',
name: 'admin',
access: 'canAdmin',
name: 'list.table-list',
path: '/list',
const { menuData, breadcrumb } = transformRoute(routes);
import { MenuDataItem } from '@umijs/route-utils';
export interface MenuDataItem {
routes?: MenuDataItem[];
hideChildrenInMenu?: boolean;
hideInMenu?: boolean;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
locale?: string | false;
name?: string;
key?: string;
pro_layout_parentKeys?: string[];
path?: string;
[key: string]: any;