fs Utils

Extended functionality for fs, when you need to know something in disk exists or want to ensure it exists.
npm install @universal-packages/fs-utils
Global methods
checkDirectory(location: String)
Checks if a string is a valid path to a directory and expands it. It throw verbose errors depending on why the directory is not valid.
import { checkDirectory } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = checkDirectory('./src')
import { checkDirectory } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
try {
const finalPath = checkDirectory('./src/fake')
} catch (error) {
quickCheckDirectory(location: String)
It does the same as checkDirectory
but returns false if the directory is not valid instead of throwing an error.
import { quickCheckDirectory } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = quickCheckDirectory('./src/fake')
checkFile(location: String)
Checks if a string is a valid path to a file and expands it. It throw verbose errors depending on why the file is not valid.
import { checkFile } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = checkFile('./src/README.md')
import { checkFile } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
try {
const finalPath = checkFile('./src/NOT.md')
} catch (error) {
quickCheckFile(location: String)
It does the same as checkFile
but throw verbose errors depending on why the file is not valid.
import { quickCheckFile } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = quickCheckFile('./src/README.md')
ensureDirectory(location: String)
Checks and expand a path and tries to create the directory if the check fails.
import { ensureDirectory } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = ensureDirectory('./src/tmp')
Any other case is thrown as an error.
import { ensureDirectory } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
try {
const finalPath = ensureDirectory('/new')
} catch (error) {
ensureFile(location: String)
Checks and expand a path and tries to create an empty file if the check fails
import { ensureFile } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
const finalPath = ensureFile('./src/tmp/development.log')
Any other case is thrown as an error.
import { ensureFile } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
try {
const finalPath = ensureFile('/file.rb')
} catch (error) {
expandPath(location: String)
Tries to expand a path by resolving the tilde and resolving to an absolute path.
import { expandPath } from '@universal-packages/fs-utils'
This library is developed in TypeScript and shipped fully typed.
The development of this library happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving this library.
MIT licensed.