What is @unocss/transformer-variant-group?
@unocss/transformer-variant-group is a transformer for UnoCSS that allows you to group variant utilities together, making your CSS more concise and easier to read.
What are @unocss/transformer-variant-group's main functionalities?
Grouping Variants
This feature allows you to group multiple variant utilities together. In this example, the `hover` and `focus` variants are grouped to apply different background and text colors when the element is hovered or focused.
<div class="hover:(bg-blue-500 text-white) focus:(bg-red-500 text-black)">
Hover or focus on me!
Nested Variants
This feature allows you to nest variants within responsive breakpoints. In this example, the `sm:hover` and `md:focus` variants are nested to apply different styles based on screen size and interaction state.
<div class="sm:hover:(bg-green-500 text-white) md:focus:(bg-yellow-500 text-black)">
Responsive hover and focus!
Other packages similar to @unocss/transformer-variant-group
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes to build custom designs. It does not natively support grouping variants in the same way as @unocss/transformer-variant-group, but it offers a wide range of utilities and plugins for extended functionality.
Windi CSS is a next-generation utility-first CSS framework that is highly optimized for speed. It offers similar functionalities to Tailwind CSS and includes features like variant grouping through its own syntax, making it comparable to @unocss/transformer-variant-group.
Enables the variant group feature of Windi CSS for UnoCSS.
npm i -D @unocss/transformer-variant-group
import transformerVariantGroup from '@unocss/transformer-variant-group'
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
export default defineConfig({
transformers: [
<div class="hover:(bg-gray-400 font-medium) font-(light mono)" />
Will be transformed to:
<div class="hover:bg-gray-400 hover:font-medium font-light font-mono" />
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