Getting started
is a collection of core Svelte components.
Add PRIME core using your package manager of choice:
pnpm add --save-dev @viamrobotics/prime-core
Install Tailwind. In the tailwind.config.js
, add the components to the content and include the theme:
import { theme } from '@viamrobotics/prime-core/theme';
export default {
content: [
plugins: [],
Import the stylesheet. If you are using SvelteKit, you can do this in src/routes/+layout.svelte
import '@viamrobotics/prime-core/prime.css';
You can now use the components in your app:
<script lang="ts">
import { Badge } from '@viamrobotics/prime-core';
The playground can be used during development but is not used outside of the package.
pnpm install
pnpm -C packages/core dev
To lint and typecheck:
pnpm -C packages/core check
pnpm -C packages/core check-svelte
pnpm -C packages/core check-lint
pnpm -C packages/core format
To test with vitest:
pnpm -C packages/core test
pnpm -C packages/core test:watch
Anatomy of a Component
For easier readability, we try to use a standard ordering for component composition. These are not strict rules, but more a guideline to follow. Implementation specifics may force you to go outside this guideline.
<svelte:options immutable />
export type MyType = 'thing' | 'other-thing';
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
import { someLibraryFunction } from '$lib';
import { someSiblingFunction } from './sibling';
export let prop: MyType | undefined = undefined;
const dispatcher = createEventDispatcher<{
click: null;
primitive: string | number | boolean;
object: { id: string; next: number; };
native: Event
let someString = '';
$: isThing = prop === 'thing';
let counter = 0;
$: if (isThing) {
counter = someString.length;
if (counter > 10) {
counter = 10;
const doSomething = () => someLibraryFunction();
const doSomethingElse = () => {
const shouldDoSomething = someString !== '';
$: {
someString = prop ? 'whoa' : 'no';
onMount(() => ...);
<div class="border-black">
<slot name="title" />
<slot name="content" />