Types used by @vscode-logging/logger extracted to a separate package to enable
in-direct dependents to type check against the correct interfaces.
For example imagine a VSCode extension called Foo
which uses an npm package called Bar
as a dependency and Bar
APIs can accept an optional logger implementation:
import { IChildLogger } from "@vscode-logging/types";
export function add(lhs: number, rhs: number, logger: IChildLogger): number {
logger.info("Entering <add> function with params:", { lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs });
return lhs + rhs;
With npm:
npm install @vscode-logging/api --save-dev
With Yarn:
yarn add @vscode-logging/apiv --dev
As shown above, simply import the IChildLogger
interface and use it to define
the type of your injected logger implementation.
Please open issues on github.
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