This module helps testing VS Code web extensions locally.
The node module runs a local web server that serves VS Code for the browser including the extensions located at the given local path. Additionally the extension tests are automatically run.
The node module providers a command line as well as an API.
Via command line:
Test a web extension in a browser:
vscode-test-web --browserType=chromium --extensionDevelopmentPath=$extensionLocation
Run web extension tests:
vscode-test-web --browserType=chromium --extensionDevelopmentPath=$extensionLocation --extensionTestsPath=$extensionLocation/dist/web/test/suite/index.js
Open VS Code in the Browser on a folder with test data from the local disk:
vscode-test-web --browserType=chromium --extensionDevelopmentPath=$extensionLocation $testDataLocation
VS Code for the Web will open on a virtual workspace (scheme vscode-test-web
), backed by a file system provider that gets the file/folder data from the local disk. Changes to the file system are kept in memory and are not written back to disk.
Via API:
async function go() {
try {
const extensionDevelopmentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../');
const extensionTestsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './suite/index');
await runTests({ browserType: 'chromium', extensionDevelopmentPath, extensionTestsPath });
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to run tests');
CLI options:
Option | Argument Description | |
--browserType | The browser to launch: chromium (default), firefox or webkit | |
--extensionDevelopmentPath | A path pointing to an extension under development to include. | |
--extensionTestsPath | A path to a test module to run. | |
--version | insiders (default), stable or sources . For sources, also run yarn web in a vscode repo | |
--open-devtools | If set, opens the dev tools | |
--headless | If set, hides the browser. Defaults to true when an extensionTestsPath is provided, otherwise false. | |
--hideServerLog | If set, hides the server log. Defaults to true when an extensionTestsPath is provided, otherwise false. | |
--permission | Permission granted to the opened browser: e.g. clipboard-read , clipboard-write . See full list of options. Argument can be provided multiple times. | |
--folder-uri | URI of the workspace to open VS Code on. Ignored when folderPath is provided | |
--extensionPath | A path pointing to a folder containing additional extensions to include. Argument can be provided multiple times. | |
folderPath | A local folder to open VS Code on. The folder content will be available as a virtual file system and opened as workspace. | |
Corresponding options are available in the API.
yarn && yarn install-extensions
Make necessary changes in src
yarn compile
(or yarn watch
run yarn sample
to launch VS Code Browser with the sample
extension bundled in this repo.
run yarn sample-tests
to launch VS Code Browser running the extension tests of the sample
extension bundled in this repo.
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