Decathlon Design System - Vitamin specific CSS styles for link component

Install package
After installing npm or yarn, you can install @vtmn/css-link
with this command:
npm i -S @vtmn/css-link
yarn add @vtmn/css-link
Or you can also install it with a CDN like unpkg.com
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@vtmn/css-link" />
Install fonts
Roboto & Roboto Condensed fonts as described in Typography section will not be automatically loaded. Fortunately, there is a few easy ways to get started.
You can install them with FontSource:
npm i -S @fontsource/roboto @fontsource/roboto-condensed
yarn add @fontsource/roboto @fontsource/roboto-condensed
Then, within your app entry file or site component, import it in:
import '@fontsource/roboto';
import '@fontsource/roboto/400.css';
import '@fontsource/roboto/400-italic.css';
In order to enhance performance of your app, please read about font subsetting. FontSource explains it here.
Otherwise, you can also load them through CDN:
Finally, you can also import them via CSS import:
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@400;700&family=Roboto+Condensed:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,700&display=swap');
Once you have installed this package, you just have to import CSS styles!
Without theming
If you don't need different themes, you can choose the specific CSS package without CSS variables.
With a bundler that supports CSS imports in JS files:
import '@vtmn/css-link/dist/index.css';
Otherwise include it in your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/@vtmn/css-link/dist/index.css" />
With theming
If you need different themes, you can choose the specific CSS package with CSS variables. For this, be sure to install & import @vtmn/css-design-tokens
npm i -S @vtmn/css-design-tokens
yarn add @vtmn/css-design-tokens
Or you can also install it with a CDN like unpkg.com
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@vtmn/css-design-tokens" />
With a bundler that supports CSS imports in JS files:
import '@vtmn/css-design-tokens/dist/index.css';
import '@vtmn/css-link/dist/index-with-vars.css';
Otherwise include it in your HTML file:
To know all the use cases and their associated code, check out the showcase here.
For more information about how this component is designed and how to use it in your application, check out the decathlon.design docs
Base 10 support
If your project uses the mathematical trick of basing the value of 1rem
equals 10px
, there is also an index-base10
output within the dist
folder of this package.
If you want to know the different changes between versions of this package, look at the changelog here.
I have an issue, what should I do?
Please file the issue here.
See the contributing docs.
Apache-2.0 © Decathlon