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Package description

What is @vue/cli-service?

@vue/cli-service is a development dependency for Vue.js projects that provides a set of built-in tools and configurations to streamline the development, testing, and building of Vue applications. It abstracts away much of the configuration needed for Webpack, Babel, ESLint, and other tools, allowing developers to focus on writing code.

What are @vue/cli-service's main functionalities?

Project Creation

This command initializes a new Vue.js project with a default or custom configuration. It sets up the project structure, installs dependencies, and configures build tools.

vue create my-project

Development Server

This command starts a development server with hot-reload capabilities. It allows developers to see changes in real-time as they edit their code.

npm run serve

Production Build

This command compiles the Vue.js application into a production-ready bundle. It optimizes the code for performance and minimizes the output files.

npm run build

Unit Testing

This command runs unit tests using a testing framework like Jest or Mocha. It helps ensure that individual components and functions work as expected.

npm run test:unit


This command runs ESLint to check for code quality and style issues. It helps maintain a consistent codebase and catch potential errors early.

npm run lint

Other packages similar to @vue/cli-service



3.0.0-beta.7 (2018-04-25)


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes
  • allow vue add to work with plugins without a generator (#1032) (11956ac)


  • ui: configurations 'files' option can be omitted (a191d76)


  • use esnext targets for downleveling and modules. (#966) (ba5a375)


Bug Fixes
  • ui: DashboardPlugin ack data (96c95a8)
  • ui: eslint disaled rule (a4f6e1d)
  • ui: express timeout (021370d)
  • allow user to define onProxyReq (#955) (179033d)
  • ui: process killed before ipc messages are sent (53d5d4e)
  • ui: remove console.logs (2e9cfab)
  • ui: throttle DashboardPlugin progress updates (1d9a4d6)


Bug Fixes
  • move request deps to shared-utils (982c494)


Bug Fixes
  • ui: "More info" link cut when wrapped (5fdb9b4)
  • ui: client addon serve (177059b)
  • ui: client addon serve error (a602b2c)
  • ui: client addons serve (7a01cd0)
  • ui: config.file (3801d0a)
  • ui: git FileDiff close modal before commit operation (c7ade2c)
  • ui: ipc.send (31e8c1d)
  • ui: ListItemInfo vertical align (c7e4ca1)
  • ui: LoggerView scrollToBottom (6c2e99a)
  • ui: mergeData crash (2ef6900)
  • ui: open in editor fr tooltip (bfa07f6)
  • ui: package logo loading only if necessaryx (5139dbc)
  • ui: PackageSearchItem link uses homepage field (66cc127)
  • ui: Plugin actions (e591ea4)
  • ui: plugin items cursor (9fbe07c)
  • ui: PluginAdd current plugin display (33b1e20)
  • ui: PluginAdd tab check (ca01d95)
  • ui: pormpts remove result in answers when disabled (a29a3b4)
  • ui: stderr new lines + selected task status color (b949406)
  • ui: progress handler should not throw error (causing process to exit) (3d4d8f0)
  • ui: ProjectNav padding (4fd8885)
  • ui: ProjectNavButton tooltip delay (131cc46)
  • ui: prompt margins (100a12e)
  • ui: Prompt validation (009b880)
  • ui: prompts async methods + fixes (75e86c6)
  • ui: prompts choices values (a378dca)
  • ui: prompts deep objects (fd3188d)
  • ui: prompts for config/tasks getting confused (8244973)
  • ui: SharedData errors (60b86eb)
  • ui: status bar last log padding (3b6c01f)
  • ui: StatusBar and scrolling fixes (7440d0f)
  • ui: Task parameter close label (0a53836)
  • ui: tasks id + locale (8e3198d)
  • ui: terminal colors to match color palette (0161b74)
  • ui: toolbars background color (5851634)
  • ui: wait for CWD reset when entering project main view (751698e)
  • ui: better details tab title (a46686e)
  • ui: client addons, ipc, shared data, plugin actions (3c59d6f)
  • ui: clientAddonConfig (e2c2b48)
  • ui: favorite projects (120c13d)
  • ui: file diffs after plugin invoke + fixes (e7198a4)
  • ui: FileDiff open in editor (7cb0dc8)
  • ui: fr locale + related fixes (1441c02)
  • ui: git FileDiff (2b0ac9f)
  • ui: git FileDiff auto-refresh on page focus (794910b)
  • ui: install/uninstall plugin (63ccde8)
  • ui: ItemLogo special vuejs styling (da0d37e)
  • ui: localization of cli-ui (#987) (10202e9)
  • ui: LoggerMessage date (9cf8348)
  • ui: New StepWizard frame style (921e99f)
  • ui: NotFound view (11bb249)
  • ui: open last project (f79cb6e)
  • ui: page title (d51e5f1)
  • ui: plugin add prompts (ce4cf9a)
  • ui: Plugin add search (wip) (83939c9)
  • ui: plugin invoke (1a48c9f)
  • ui: plugin logo (088d316)
  • ui: PluginAdd config cta-text (faac5e5)
  • ui: PluginApi -> describeTask initial impl. (e07abbb)
  • ui: PluginApi validation: better errors (a60dc4e)
  • ui: PluginApi: configurations (05e0dd0)
  • ui: plugins update (7571e80)
  • ui: Progress and Logs systems (9f0eece)
  • ui: Project creation working! (61655b1)
  • ui: project/plugin notifs (eab8b0a)
  • ui: ProjectCreate prompts tab (239c4d4)
  • ui: ProjectCreate save preset (bea5df9)
  • ui: ProjectNav plugin support (9d8dc0b)
  • ui: ProjectNavMore + About view (63b0984)
  • ui: prompt error ui (798445f)
  • ui: Prompt groups + fixes + some vue eslint config (6af029e)
  • ui: prompt-list default choice + config field auto-remove (dde426a)
  • ui: Prompts can now be shown and disabled (56c2aac)
  • ui: Report bug button (f7050c2)
  • ui: Reset CWD to project path (601fb1f)
  • ui: restore last route (65019d6)
  • ui: restore route mixin (ec44835)
  • ui: route badges (dbac02f)
  • ui: serve static files in plugin ui-public folders + support custom icons in routes (5df5427)
  • ui: StatusBar 'No logs yet' (e20e21d)
  • ui: StatusBar/LoggerView improvements (e1dc6e7)
  • ui: Task notifs (0335d32)
  • ui: task run (wip stop not working) (0a6891a)
  • ui: Task stop + console output (d7700ff)
  • ui: tasks list (5a80c24)
  • ui: try to load logo.png in package search (46567e3)
  • ui: webpack dashboard 'open app' button (dc8b454)
  • ui: wip plugins list (b9a714c)


Bug Fixes
  • ui: deps + dashboard plugin (a628b43)
  • ui: display 0 instead of NaN (21d3e94)


Bug Fixes
  • ui: cli-ui-addon-webpack dev urls (e33bec6)
  • ui: Webpack addon: progress status icon (0c1c245)


Bug Fixes




service for vue-cli

Full Docs



Last updated on 25 Apr 2018

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