Winding Tree Off Chain Data Adapter - HTTP(s).

HTTP adapter for off-chain data that can be used in Winding Tree wt-js-libs.
npm install @windingtree/off-chain-adapter-http
git clone
nvm install
npm install
In the most basic way, this adapter can be used purely for data
import { WtJsLibs } from '@windingtree/wt-js-libs';
import HttpAdapter from '@windingtree/off-chain-adapter-http';
const libs = WtJsLibs.createInstance({
onChainDataOptions: {
provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
offChainDataOptions: {
adapters: {
'https': {
options: {},
create: (options) => {
return new HttpAdapter(options);
In case we need to extend it with the upload or update
capability, we need to provide the necessary functionality
from outside:
import { WtJsLibs } from '@windingtree/wt-js-libs';
import HttpAdapter from '@windingtree/off-chain-adapter-http';
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
function s3_uploader (data) {
let s3 = new AWS.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'eu-central-1'}),
bucket = 'bucket',
key = 'hotel.json',
params = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
Body: JSON.stringify(data)
return s3.putObject(params)
.then(() => `https://${bucket}${key}`);
const libs = WtJsLibs.createInstance({
onChainDataOptions: {
provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
offChainDataOptions: {
adapters: {
'https': {
options: {uploader: s3_uploader},
create: (options) => {
return new HttpAdapter(options);