This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Available Scripts
The widget communicates with an agent endpoint. There agents and visitors. The widget is a visitor.
The widget can talk to an agent in two ways: either directly connecting to a Xapp skill endpoint
or via a Chat Server.
The Chat server is a message proxy server that can connect many types of agent and visitor endpoint.
To connect directly to a skill run
yarn start-with-dev-skill
To go through the chat server run
yarn start-with-dev-server
The required parameters are configured in config/config.ts
. Use the REACT_APP_ENV to point to a test setup.
See the package.json for details.
npm i @xapp/chat-widget redux-thunk redux react-redux --production
import { ChatWidget } from "@xapp/chat-widget";
import "@xapp/chat-widget/dist/index.css";
function RenderWidget() {
return <ChatWidget accountKey={"123"} />;
Use theme
prop to style widget
const theme: WidgetTheme = {};
return <ChatWidget accountKey={"123"} theme={theme} />;
Local Development
Sample .env