This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Available Scripts
The widget communicates with an agent endpoint. There agents and visitors. The widget is a visitor.
The widget can talk to an agent in two ways: either directly connecting to a Xapp skill endpoint
or via a Chat Server.
The Chat server is a message proxy server that can connect many types of agent and visitor endpoint.
To connect directly to a skill run
yarn start-with-dev-skill
To go through the chat server run
yarn start-with-dev-server
The required parameters are configured in config/config.ts
. Use the REACT_APP_ENV to point to a test setup.
See the package.json for details.
npm i @xapp/chat-widget redux-thunk redux react-redux --production
import { ChatWidget } from "@xapp/chat-widget";
import "@xapp/chat-widget/dist/index.css";
function RenderWidget() {
return <ChatWidget accountKey={"123"} />;
Use theme
prop to style widget
const theme: WidgetTheme = {};
return <ChatWidget accountKey={"123"} theme={theme} />;
Local Development
Configuration at Build
You can use a .env to configure the widget during the build process. This will inject the configuration parameters to the field.
When putting together the .env file, it is important to understand difference between _
and -
where _
will create a new object while -
will camelcase the word.
Sample .env