Tagify - lightweight input "tags" script
Transforms an input field or a textarea into a Tags Componen, in an easy, customizable way,
with great performance and tiny code footprint, exploded with features.
Vanilla ā” React ā” Vue ā” Angular
Table of Contents
npm i @yaireo/tagify --save
usage (in your bundle):
import Tagify from '@yaireo/tagify'
var tagify = new Tagify(...)
Don't forget to include tagify.css
file in your project.
CSS location: @yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.css
SCSS location: @yaireo/tagify/src/tagify.scss
See SCSS usecase & example
Selling points
- JS minified
GZIP) - CSS minified
GZIP) - generated from SCSS with variables - Easily customized, plenty of settings for common scenarios
- Your input/textarea node values kept in sync with Tagify
- ARIA accessibility support
- Many useful custom events
- Easily change direction to RTL (via the SCSS file)
- Internet Explorer - A polyfill script can be used:
in /dist
What can Tagify do
- Can be applied on input & textarea elements
- Supports mix content (text and tags together)
- Supports single-value mode (like
) - Supports whitelist
- Supports blacklists
- Supports Templates for customized markup: wrapper, tag item & suggestion item
- Shows suggestions selectbox (flexiable settings & styling) at full width or next to the typed texted (caret)
- Allows setting suggestions' aliases for easier fuzzy-searching
- Auto-suggest input as-you-type with ability to auto-complete
- Can paste in multiple values:
tag 1, tag 2, tag 3
or even newline-separated tags - Tags can be created by Regex delimiter or by pressing the "Enter" key / focusing of the input
- Validate tags by Regex pattern
- Tags are editable
- Supports read-only mode to the whole componenet or per-tag
- Each tag can have any properties desired (class, data-whatever, readonly...)
- Automatically disallow duplicate tags (vis "settings" object)
- Has built-in CSS loader, if needed (Ex. AJAX whitelist pulling)
- Tags can be trimmed via
by giving max-width
to the tag
element in your CSS
Building the project
Simply run gulp
in your terminal, from the project's path (Gulp should be installed first).
Source files are this path: /src/
Output files, which are automatically generated using Gulp, are in: /dist/
The rest of the files are most likely irrelevant.
Adding tags dynamically
var tagify = new Tagify(...);
tagify.addTags(["banana", "orange", "apple"])
tagify.addTags([{value:"banana", color:"yellow"}, {value:"apple", color:"red"}, {value:"watermelon", color:"green"}])
output value
There are two possible ways to get the value of the tags:
- Access the tagify's instance's
prop: tagify.value
(Array of tags) - Access the original input's value:
(Stringified Array of tags)
Ajax whitelist
Dynamically-loaded suggestions list (whitelist) from the server (as the user types) is a frequent need to many.
Tagify comes with its own loading animation, which is a very lightweight CSS-only code, and the loading
state is controlled by the method tagify.loading
which accepts true
or false
as arguments.
Below is a basic example using the fetch
API. I advise to abort the last request on any input before starting a new request.
var input = document.querySelector('input'),
tagify = new Tagify(input, {whitelist:[]}),
tagify.on('input', onInput)
function onInput( e ){
var value = e.detail.value;
tagify.settings.whitelist.length = 0;
controller && controller.abort();
controller = new AbortController();
fetch('http://get_suggestions.com?value=' + value, {signal:controller.signal})
.then(RES => RES.json())
tagify.settings.whitelist.splice(0, whitelist.length, ...whitelist)
tagify.loading(false).dropdown.show.call(tagify, value);
Edit tags
Tags which aren't read-only
can be edited by double-clicking them (by default)
or by changing the editTags
setting to 1
, making tags editable by single-clicking them.
The value is saved on blur
or by pressing enter
key. Pressing Escape
will revert the change trigger blur
ctrlz will revert the change if an edited tag was marked as not valid (perhaps duplicate or blacklisted)
To prevent all tags from being allowed to be editable, set the editTags
setting to false
(or null
To do the same but for specific tag(s), set those tags' data with editable
property set to false
<input value='[{"value":"foo", "editable":false}, {"value":"bar"}]'>
DOM Templates
It's possible to control the templates for the following HTML elements tagify generates by
modying the settings.templates
Object with your own custom functions which should output a string.
Default templates
templates : {
wrapper(input, settings){
return `<tags class="tagify ${settings.mode ? "tagify--" + settings.mode : ""} ${input.className}"
${settings.readonly ? 'readonly aria-readonly="true"' : 'aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="false"'}
<span contenteditable data-placeholder="${settings.placeholder || '​'}" aria-placeholder="${settings.placeholder || ''}"
tag(value, tagData){
return `<tag title='${tagData.title || value}'
class='tagify__tag ${tagData.class ? tagData.class : ""}'
<x title='' class='tagify__tag__removeBtn' role='button' aria-label='remove tag'></x>
<span class='tagify__tag-text'>${value}</span>
dropdownItem( item ){
var mapValueTo = this.settings.dropdown.mapValueTo,
value = (mapValueTo
? typeof mapValueTo == 'function'
? mapValueTo(item)
: item[mapValueTo]
: item.value) || item.value,
sanitizedValue = (value || item).replace(/`|'/g, "'");
return `<div ${this.getAttributes(item)}
class='tagify__dropdown__item ${item.class ? item.class : ""}'
Suggestions selectbox
The suggestions selectbox is shown is a whitelist Array of Strings or Objects was passed in the settings when the Tagify instance was created.
Suggestions list will only be rendered if there are at least two matching sugegstions (case-insensetive).
The selectbox dropdown will be appended to the document's <body>
element and will be rendered by default in a position below (bottom of) the Tagify element.
Using the keyboard arrows up/down will highlight an option from the list, and hitting the Enter key to select.
It is possible to tweak the selectbox dropdown via 2 settings:
- enabled - this is a numeral value which tells Tagify when to show the suggestions dropdown, when a minimum of N characters were typed.
- maxItems - Limits the number of items the suggestions selectbox will render
var input = document.querySelector('input'),
tagify = new Tagify(input, {
whitelist : ['aaa', 'aaab', 'aaabb', 'aaabc', 'aaabd', 'aaabe', 'aaac', 'aaacc'],
dropdown : {
classname : "color-blue",
enabled : 0,
maxItems : 5,
position : "text",
closeOnSelect : false,
Will render:
<div class="tagify__dropdown" style="left: 993.5px; top: 106.375px; width: 616px;">
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaab">aaab</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabb">aaabb</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabc">aaabc</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabd">aaabd</div>
<div class="tagify__dropdown__item" value="aaabe">aaabe</div>
By default searching the suggestions is using fuzzy-search (see settings).
If you wish to assign alias to items (in your suggestion list), add the searchBy
property to whitelist items you wish
to have an alias for. In the below example, when typing a part of string which is included in the searchBy
property, the suggested item will
match "Israel" will be rendered in the suggestion list selectbox.
Example for a suggestion item alias
whitelist = [
{ value:'Israel', code:'IL', searchBy:'holy land, desert, middle east' },
Another handy setting is dropdown.searchKeys
which, like the above dropdown.searchBy
setting, allows
expanding the search of any typed terms to more than the value
property of the whitelist items (if items are a Collection).
Example whitelist:
value : "foo",
nickname : "bar",
email : "baz@mail.com"
// setting to search in other keys:
dropdown: {
searchKeys: ["nickname", "email"]
To use this feature it must be toggled - see settings.
When mixing text with tags, the original textarea (or input) element will have a value as follows:
[[cartman]]ā and [[kyle]]ā do not know [[Homer simpson]]ā
If the inital value of the textarea or input is formatted as the above example, tagify will try to
automatically convert everything between [[
& ]]
to a tag, if tag exists in the whitelist, so make
sure when the Tagify instance is initialized, that it has tags with the correct value
property that match
the same values that appear between [[
& ]]
Applying the setting dropdown.position:"text"
is encouraged for mixed-content tags, because the suggestions list
will be rendered right next to the caret location and not the the bottom of the Tagify componenet, which might look
weird when there is already a lot of content at multiple lines.
If a tag does not exists in the whitelist, it may be created by the user and all you should do is listen to the add
event and update your local/remote state.
Similar to native <Select>
element, but allows typing free text as value.
A Tagify React component is exported as <Tags>
from react.tagify.js
Check the live demo for a live React integration example
TagifyComponent which will be used by your template as <tagify>
testing tagify wrapper
<tagify [settings]="settings"
<button (click)="clearTags()">clear</button>
<button (click)="addTags()">add Tags</button>
(The tagifyService is a singletone injected by angular, do not create a new instance of it)
Remember to add TagifyService
to your module definition.
import {Component, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';
import {TagifyService} from '@yaireo/tagify';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnDestroy {
constructor(private tagifyService: TagifyService) {}
public settings = { blacklist: ['fucking', 'shit']};
onAdd(tagify) {
console.log('added a tag', tagify);
onRemove(tags) {
console.log('removed a tag', tags);
clearTags() {
addTags() {
this.tagifyService.addTags(['this', 'is', 'cool']);
ngOnDestroy() {
jQuery version
A jQuery wrapper verison is also available, but I advise not using it because it's basically the exact same as the "normal"
script (non-jqueryfied) and all the jQuery's wrapper does is allowing to chain the event listeners for ('add', 'remove', 'invalid')
.on('add', function(e, tagName){
console.log('added', tagName)
Accessing methods can be done via the .data('tagify')
$('[name=tags]').data('tagify').addTags('aaa, bbb, ccc')
To render all the tags at the same line, without tags wrapping to new lines, add this to your .tagify
flex-wrap: nowrap;
CSS Variables (see MDN docs)
These CSS variables allow easy customization without the need to manually write CSS.
If you do wish to heavily style your Tagify components, then you can use these variables within
your modified styles.
For example how this can be used, see the demos page.
Name | Info |
--tags-border-color | The outer border color which surrounds tagify |
--tag-bg | Tag background color |
--tag-hover | Tag background color on hover (mouse) |
--tag-text-color | Tag text color |
--tag-text-color--edit | Tag text color when a Tag is being edited |
--tag-pad | Tag padding, from all sides. Ex. .3em .5em |
--tag--min-width | Minimum Tag width |
--tag--max-width | Maximum tag width, which gets trimmed with hellip after |
--tag-inset-shadow-size | This is the inner shadow size, which dictates the color of the Tags. It's important the size fits exactly to the tag. Change this if you change the --tag-pad or fontsize. |
--tag-invalid-color | For border color of edited tags with invalid value being typed into them |
--tag-invalid-bg | Background color for invalid Tags. |
--tag-remove-bg | Tag background color when hovering the Ć button. |
--tag-remove-btn-bg | The remove (Ć ) button background color |
--tag-remove-btn-bg--hover | The remove (Ć ) button background color on hover |
--loader-size | Loading animation size. 1em is pretty big, default is a bit less. |
--tag-hide-transition | Controls the transition property when a tag is removed. default is '.3s' |
Name | Parameters | Info |
destroy | | Reverts the input element back as it was before Tagify was applied |
removeAllTags | | Removes all tags and resets the original input tag's value property |
addTags | tagsItems , clearInput , skipInvalid | Accepts a String (word, single or multiple with a delimiter), an Array of Objects (see above) or Strings |
removeTag | Node/String | Removes a specific tag. Argument is the tag DOM element to be removed, or value. When nothing passed, removes last tag (see source code) |
loadOriginalValues | String/Array | Converts the input's value into tags. This method gets called automatically when instansiating Tagify. Also works for mixed-tags |
getTagIndexByValue | String | Returns the index of a specific tag, by value |
parseMixTags | String | Converts a String argument ([[foo]]ā and [[bar]]ā are.. ) into HTML with mixed tags & texts |
getTagElms | | Returns a DOM nodes list of all the tags |
getTagElmByValue | String | Returns a specific tag DOM node by value |
editTag | Node | Goes to edit-mode in a specific tag |
replaceTag | tagElm , tagData | Exit a tag's edit-mode. if "tagData" exists, replace the tag element with new data and update Tagify value |
loading | Boolean | Toogle loading state on/off (Ex. AJAX whitelist pulling) |
All triggered events return the instance's scope (tagify).
See e.detail
for custom event additional data.
See Examples
var tagify = new Tagify(...)
.on('input', e => console.log(e.detail))
.on('edit:input edit:updated edit:start edit:keydown', e => console.log(e.type, e.detail))
Name | Info |
add | A tag has been added |
remove | A tag has been removed |
invalid | A tag has been added but did not pass vaildation. See event detail |
input | Input event, when a tag is being typed/edited. e.detail exposes value , inputElm & isValid |
click | Clicking a tag. Exposes the tag element, its index & data |
keydown | When tagify input has focus and a key was pressed |
focus | The component currently has focus |
blur | The component lost focus |
edit:input | Typing inside an edited tag |
edit:beforeUpdate | Just before a tag has been updated, while still in "edit" mode |
edit:updated | A tag as been updated (changed view editing or by directly calling the replaceTag() method) |
edit:start | A tag is now in "edit mode" |
edit:keydown | keydown event while an edited tag is in focus |
dropdown:show | Suggestions dropdown is to be rendered. The dropdown DOM node is passed in the callback, see demo. |
dropdown:hide | Suggestions dropdown has been removed from the DOM |
dropdown:select | Suggestions dropdown item selected (by mouse/keyboard/touch) |
dropdown:scroll | Tells the percentage scrolled. (event.detail.percentage ) |
Name | Type | Default | Info |
placeholder | String | | Placeholder text. If this attribute is set on an input/textarea element it will override this setting |
delimiters | String | , | [regex string] split tags by any of these delimiters. Example: `", |
pattern | String | null | Validate input by REGEX pattern (can also be applied on the input itself as an attribute) Ex: /[1-9]/ |
mode | String | null | Use select for single-value dropdown-like select box. See mix as value to allow mixed-content. The 'pattern' setting must be set to some character. |
mixTagsInterpolator | Array | ['[[', ']]'] | Interpolation for mix mode. Everything between these will become a tag |
mixTagsAllowedAfter | Regex | `/, | . |
duplicates | Boolean | false | Should duplicate tags be allowed or not |
enforceWhitelist | Boolean | false | Should ONLY use tags allowed in whitelist. In mix-mode , setting it to false will not allow creating new tags. |
autoComplete.enabled | Boolean | true | Tries to suggest the input's value while typing (match from whitelist) by adding the rest of term as grayed-out text |
autoComplete.rightKey | Boolean | false | If true , when ā is pressed, use the suggested value to create a tag, else just auto-completes the input. In mixed-mode this is ignored and treated as "true" |
whitelist | Array | [] | An array of tags which only they are allowed |
blacklist | Array | [] | An array of tags which aren't allowed |
addTagOnBlur | Boolean | true | Automatically adds the text which was inputed as a tag when blur event happens |
callbacks | Object | {} | Exposed callbacks object to be triggered on events: 'add' / 'remove' tags |
maxTags | Number | Infinity | Maximum number of allowed tags. when reached, adds a class "tagify--hasMaxTags" to <Tags> |
editTags | Number | 2 | Number of clicks on a tag to enter "edit" mode. Only 1 or 2 work. false or null will disallow editing |
templates | Object | wrapper , tag , dropdownItem | Object consisting of functions which return template strings |
transformTag | Function | undefined | Takes a tag input as argument and returns a transformed value |
keepInvalidTags | Boolean | false | If true , do not remove tags which did not pass validation |
skipInvalid | Boolean | false | If true , do not add invalid, temporary, tags before automatically removing them |
backspace | * | true | On pressing backspace key: true - remove last tag
edit - edit last tag |
dropdown.enabled | Number | 2 | Minimum characters to input to show the suggestions list. "false" to disable |
dropdown.maxItems | Number | 10 | Maximum items to show in the suggestions list dropdown |
dropdown.classname | String | "" | Custom class name for the dropdown suggestions selectbox |
dropdown.fuzzySearch | Boolean | true | Enables filtering dropdown items values' by string containing and not only beginning |
dropdown.position | String | null | manual - will not render the dropdown, and you would need to do it yourself. See "events" section. text - will place the dropdown next to the caret all - normal, full-width design |
dropdown.highlightFirst | Boolean | false | When a suggestions list is shown, highlight the first item, and also suggest it in the input (The suggestion can be accepted with ā key) |
dropdown.closeOnSelect | Boolean | true | close the dropdown after selecting an item, if enabled:0 is set (which means always show dropdown on focus) |
dropdown.mapValueTo | Function/String | | if whitelist is an Array of Objects: Ex. [{value:'foo', email:'foo@a.com'},...] ) this setting controlls which data key will be printed in the dropdown. Ex. mapValueTo: data => "To:" + data.email Ex. mapValueTo: "email" |
dropdown.searchKeys | Array | ["value", "searchBy"] | When a user types something and trying to match the whitelist items for suggestions, this setting allows matching other keys of a whitelist objects |