What is @zkochan/rimraf?
@zkochan/rimraf is an npm package that provides a fast and efficient way to delete files and directories, including those that are read-only. It is a modern alternative to the traditional 'rimraf' package, offering better performance and additional features.
What are @zkochan/rimraf's main functionalities?
Delete a single file
This feature allows you to delete a single file. The callback function handles any errors that may occur during the deletion process.
const rimraf = require('@zkochan/rimraf');
rimraf('path/to/file.txt', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('File deleted successfully');
Delete a directory and its contents
This feature allows you to delete a directory along with all its contents. The callback function handles any errors that may occur during the deletion process.
const rimraf = require('@zkochan/rimraf');
rimraf('path/to/directory', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Directory deleted successfully');
Delete read-only files and directories
This feature allows you to delete read-only files and directories. The 'glob' option is set to false to disable glob pattern matching.
const rimraf = require('@zkochan/rimraf');
rimraf('path/to/read-only-file-or-directory', { glob: false }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Read-only file or directory deleted successfully');
Other packages similar to @zkochan/rimraf
rimraf is the original package for deleting files and directories, including read-only ones. It is widely used and well-tested but may not offer the same performance improvements as @zkochan/rimraf.
del is another popular package for deleting files and directories. It offers a promise-based API and supports glob patterns, making it a good alternative to @zkochan/rimraf.
fs-extra is a package that extends the native Node.js 'fs' module with additional methods, including methods for deleting files and directories. It provides a more comprehensive set of file system utilities compared to @zkochan/rimraf.
rm -rf for Node. Similar to rimraf but returns a promise

<npm|yarn|pnpm> add @zkochan/rimraf
const rimraf = require('@zkochan/rimraf')
await rimraf('node_modules')
MIT © Zoltan Kochan