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Quasar RAT Disguised as an npm Package for Detecting Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Socket researchers uncover a malicious npm package posing as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities in Etherium smart contracts.
A gearman client, worker and server module implemented on top of gearman-protocol for full end-to-end streaming support.
var Gearman = require('abraxas');
var client = Gearman.Client.connect({ servers: [''], defaultEncoding:'utf8' });
client.registerWorker("toUpper", function(task) {
return task.payload.toUpperCase();
// or
client.registerWorker("toUpper", function(task) {
// or
var through = require('through2');
client.registerWorkerStream("toUpper", function(task) {
// Streaming workers task's can be used as bidirectional pipes. Read the
// payload from the client, write the result back to the client.
task.pipe(through(function(data,enc,done) { this.push(data.toUpperCase(),enc); done() })).pipe(task);
// When submitting jobs you can use traditional Node style callbacks
client.submitJob('toUpper', 'test string', function(error, result) {
if (error) console.error(error);
console.log("Upper:", result);
// or promises
client.submitJob('toUpper', 'test string').then(function (result) {
console.log("Upper:", result);
// or streams
client.submitJob('toUpper', 'test string').pipe(process.stdout);
// or as bidirectional streams
Abraxas is aiming to be a streaming Gearman client/worker/server implementation for Node.js. It's built with an eye toward the ease of use of the API for end users. This means supporting streams and promises in an intuitive and transparent fashion, in addition to a traditional callback based API.
The Abraxas server implementation:
var Gearman = require('abraxas');
var client = Gearman.Client.connect({ host:'', port:4730, defaultEncoding:'utf8' });
var client = Gearman.Client.connect({ servers:[{host:'', port:4730}], defaultEncoding:'utf8' });
var client = Gearman.Client.connect({ servers:[''], defaultEncoding:'utf8' });
var client = Gearman.Client([options][,callback])
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
Connection options:
streaming (default: false) -- Requests the Abraxas server's streaming mode. Makes workers streaming data back over WORK_DATA safe. If you request this with the C++ gearmand you'll get a connection error.
defaultEncoding (default: buffer) -- The stream encoding to use for client and worker payloads, unless otherwise specified.
maxJobs (default: 1) -- The maximum number of simultaneous jobs that workers on this connection will execute. This is the concurrency tuning paramter for registerWorker. This has no effect on the number of jobs handled via submitJob.
submitTimeout (default: ∞) Default time to wait for a gearman server to become available when submitting a job. Jobs who fail with this timeout are guaranteed to not have been submitted to any servers or workers.
responseTimeout (default: ∞) Default time to wait for a job to complete.
debug -- If true, unknown or unexpected packets will be logged with console.error. You can achieve the same result by listening for the 'unknown-packet' event.
trafficDump -- If true, emits read and write events for the raw buffers being sent over the wire. If no listeners for these events are configured the buffers will be printed with console.error.
packetDump -- If true, behaves the same as trafficDump but instead emits the parsed packets.
callback (optional) will be called once a connection is established to any of the servers. There is, however, no requirement that you wait for the connection-- any commands issued prior to the connection being established will be buffered.
Reconnection and Multiple Servers
Abraxas will begin attempting to connect to the servers its started with immediately. If a connection drops, it will attempt to reconnect automatically. Connections back off following the fibonacci sequence with a maximum delay of 10 seconds between retries and a randomization factor of 15%.
Details on how each command handles multiple server connections is detailed in the command's documentation. Generally however, worker related commands go to ALL available servers and all future servers. As such, worker related commands return immediately. By contrast, client related commands go to ANY ONE server and if no server is available they'll wait for a connection to be established.
Streaming Mode
The Abraxas server supports "streaming" mode which modifies the semantics to support streaming clients. (See the included SEMANTICS document.)
Specifically, when the worker is in streaming mode:
If it disconnects in the middle of a job, the server will send a WORK_FAIL response instead of requeing the job.
Writes are not buffered and are immediately sent with WORK_DATA packets. (Ordinarily writes are buffered and only sent when the worker ends with a WORK_COMPLETE packet.)
When the client is in streaming mode:
client.on('connect', function(client) { ... })
Called after a connection is established. NOTE: This can and will be called more than once.
client.on('disconnect', function(client) { ... })
Called after the connection drops for any reason.
client.on('connection-error', function(error,client) { ... })
Called any time there's an error in one of the connections. This is not fatal and connections will be automatically reestablished.
Disconnects the client after flushing the current buffer.
var task = client.echo([options][,data][,callback])
Sends data to the server which the server then sends back. This is useful as a "ping" type utility to verify that the connection is still live and the server responding.
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
data (optional) is a buffer or string to get echoed back to you by the server. If data is passed in then the task cannot be written to.
callback (optional) is a function (err, data) that will be called with the result from the server. If the callback is passed in then the task cannot be read from.
var task = client.getStatus(jobid[,callback])
Fetches the status of a running job. This task is read only-- if you read from it as a stream, it will emit the status object. This runs against all connected servers.
callback (optional) is a function (err, status) that will be called with the result from the server; see details on the status object below. If the callback is passed in then the task cannot be read from.
The status object has the following properties:
Sets the id for this connection to the arbitrary string you provide. This is returned by the workers command.
Client API calls return Task objects and Workers are passed Tasks when new work is acquired. Tasks are duplex streams. Tasks also proxy to bluebird Promises.
With client Tasks, data written to the stream is sent as the payload of the job. When reading from a stream, the result from the worker is read.
With worker Tasks, this is reversed-- data read from the stream is the payload, data written to the stream is the result.
Tasks have a jobid
property. On client Tasks this won't be set until the
event is emitted.
When a task is the result of submitting a job, it will emit a created
event when we've been notified that the server has accepted the job.
Exceptions / failures from the worker will be emitted as error
Warnings from the worker will be emitted as warn
events with a single
string argument containing the warning.
Status updates from the worker will be emitted as status
events with
percentage completion as the argument.
Using a task as a promise will result in the promise being resolved with the concatenated value of the stream. Exceptions and job failures will result in the promise being rejected.
var task = client.submitJob(func[,options][,data][,callback])
Submit a job to the gearman server-- write to the task
to send your
payload. As described above, the task can be read from as a stream to
retreive your result, or you can use it as a promise with .then
to get
its value. Tasks can also emit error
, warn
and status
events, see
the tasks section for details.
Jobs are submitted to only one server. The server to use is selected on a round-robin basis amongst active connections.
func The name of the function you want to call.
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
or low
these effect the priority of this item in the job queue when there's a backlog.
(Note: Exact semantics are determined by the gearman server, so you'll need
to check its documentation.)data (optional) is the payload to be submitted to the func worker. If it is passed in the task cannot be written to.
callback (optional) is a function (err, data) that will be called with the result from the worker.
var task = client.submitJobBg(func[,options][,data][,callback])
Submit a background job to the gearman server. This is a job where you
don't care about the result. You can disconnect from the server and the
job will still be executed. The result of the task is the jobid
task was created with.
Jobs are submitted to only one server. The server to use is selected on a round-robin basis amongst active connections.
func The name of the function you want to call.
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
or low
these effect the priority of this item in the job queue when there's a backlog.
(Note: Exact semantics are determined by the gearman server, so you'll need
to check its documentation.)data (optional) is the payload to be submitted to the func worker. If it is passed in the task cannot be written to.
callback (optional) is a function (err, jobid) that will be called with the jobid.
var task = client.submitJobAt(func,date[,options][,data][,callback])
EXPERIMENTAL. Submit a background job to happen at a specific time.
Jobs are submitted to only one server. The server to use is selected on a round-robin basis amongst active connections.
func The name of the function you want to call.
date Either a Date
object or a unix epoch time (seconds since 1970).
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
data (optional) is the payload to be submitted to the func worker. If it is passed in the task cannot be written to.
callback (optional) is a function (err, jobid) that will be called with the jobid.
var task = client.submitJobSched(func,schedule[,options][,data][,callback])
WARNING: Not implemented in any existing gearman server, but in the protocol documentation.
Submit a background job to happen on a schedule
Jobs are submitted to only one server. The server to use is selected on a round-robin basis amongst active connections.
func The name of the function you want to call.
schedule is an object with properties of:
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
data (optional) is the payload to be submitted to the func worker. If it is passed in the task cannot be written to.
callback (optional) is a function (err, jobid) that will be called with the jobid.
var worker = client.registerWorkerStream(func[,options],workercb)
var worker = client.registerWorker(func[,options],workercb)
Register a handler for func. workercb is passed a task when a client submits a job.
With registerWorker
, the task will have a payload property. With
the task a stream that can be read from in the
usual ways to get the payload. See the section on Tasks for details.
Writing to the task will send that as the response to the client. What's written will be buffered and sent as a WORK_COMPLETE packet, unless you connected with the streaming option, in which case WORK_DATA packets will be sent as data is written.
Functions will be registered on ALL servers. Any servers connected or reconnected to later will have functions reregistered with them.
If you emit an error event this will result in a WORK_EXCEPTION packet if supported by the server, otherwise it will emit a WORK_WARNING followed by a WORK_FAIL.
If you throw an exception, it will result in a WORK_EXCEPTION packet.
If you return a value, the job will be completed with that value. If you return a stream, that stream will be piped to the client as the result.
If you return a promise, that promise will be resolved and its resolved value will be treated as above.
If you don't return anything then you're expected to have written to the task yourself.
func The name of the function that we'll handle.
options (optional) is an object with properties of:
workercb is a function (task)
that's called when there's new work to do. The task
object has following additional methods:
is a buffer, string or a stream. This
warning will be sent to the client. (Clients interpret msg
. data
can be a buffer, string or stream.The worker object returned has the property:
And methods:
var task = worker.unregister() Short cut for client.unregisterWorker(worker.function)
var task = worker.maxqueue([maxsize][,callback]) Short cut for client.maxqueue(worker.function,maxsize,callback)
var task = worker.status() Resolves with a status object with the properties:
var task = client.maxqueue(func[,maxsize][,callback])
Sets the maximum number of jobs that may be queued at one time for a specific function. Like other worker functions, this is sent to all server connections, current and future.
func is the function to set or clear this limit of.
maxsize (default: unlimited) is the maximum number of jobs to be queued at a time for this funciton.
callback (optional) is a function (err)
Notifies all servers that we are no longer handling requests for the func job.
func The name of the function unregister.
Tells all the server that we are no longer handling any functions at all.
var task = client.status([callback])
Fetches the current status of all functions that all connected gearman servers are aware of. If no gearman servers are connected then it will immediately return an empty object. It is resolved with a functionstatus object.
callback (optional) is a function (functionstatus)
The functionstatus object is keyed on function name and has values that are objects with the properties:
var task = client.workers([callback])
Fetches a list of all connections and what workers, if any, they have registered. It is resolved with a workerlist array.
callback (optional) is a function (workerlist)
The workerlist array is made up of objects with the properties:
var task = client.shutdown([gracefully][,callback])
Requests that all connected servers shutdown. If you wanted to shutdown a bunch of gearman servers you might do this:
Gearman.Client.connect({servers:[server]},function(err,client) {
if (err) console.error(err);
gracefully (default: false) If true, stops listening for new connections but waits for running jobs to complete before shutting down.
callback (optional) is a function (err)
var Gearman = require('abraxas');
Gearman.Server.listen({port: 4730});
The server is known to have memory leaks.
But really, that above is about all there is to it right now. It takes the same types of debugging options as the client, eg, trafficDump, packetDump. It should work, but see
It's worth noting that all other gearman libraries I'm aware of run client and worker commands through their own classes and via their own connections. There's no technical reason for this, and this library does not make that distinction-- you can submit jobs and register workers from the same connection and so one program cn be both client and worker.
The various undocumented extensions to the protocol that the C++ gearmand (from has introduced. That is, the TO BE IMPLEMENTED admin commands, fetching status by unique id and the explicit support for reduce jobs. The last, I'm dubious about the utility of. You could already implement map/reduce with gearman trivially and extending the protocol doesn't seem to gain anything other than complexity.
See the TODO document for details on other things I'd like to add.
A streaming gearman client / worker / server (as you choose)
We found that abraxas demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket researchers uncover a malicious npm package posing as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities in Etherium smart contracts.
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