Iframe control system designed for iframes that contain ads

Create well-prepared iframes that are designed to handle dynamic advertising content held within. This library doesn't necessarily need to only be used in the advertising realm, and its array of features will most likely find it useful in a variety of situations.
Iframes created using this library can use a number of content insertion methods (blob URLs, document.write
, srcdoc
etc.), some combinations of iframe sandbox
flags, content-loaded detection and a wealth of other tools.
To dive straight in to creating an iframe, check out the API documentation.
Creation of AdFrame iframes is performed by using a single synchronous method, which outputs the iframe (createAdFrame
). On-load listeners can be attached via the creation options:
import { createAdFrame } from "adframe";
const container = document.querySelector("#container");
content: "<div><p>Some content</p></div>",
parent: container,
onLoadCallback: () => {
Promises are not used so as to not bloat the library with polyfills (as IE 10 is supported, for example).
Iframes with URLs can also be created:
import { CONTENT_URL, createAdFrame } from "adframe";
content: "",
contentType: CONTENT_URL,
parent: container,
onLoadCallback: () => {
Iframes created by AdFrame are prepared, in terms of styling, before being inserted. This functionality can be overidden by changing the onBeforeInsert
property to another function. You should, if you prefer that your iframe looks good, still call the default styling function:
import { createAdFrame, prepareIframe } from "adframe";
content: "<div><p>Some content</p></div>",
onBeforeInsert: iframe => {
iframe.setAttribute("id", "my-iframe");
parent: container
Secure iframes can be generated by passing one of the available security flags, or by passing a custom configuration:
: Sandbox the iframe and remove the allow-same-origin
flag to completely lock down the container.SECURITY_SANDBOX_SAMEORIGIN
: Sandbox the iframe but keep the allow-same-origin
flag to allow top-page referencing from within the container.SECURITY_CUSTOM
: Sandbox the iframe with a custom list of flags, provided by the sandboxFlags
: No sandboxing (default)
import { SECURITY_CUSTOM, createAdFrame } from "adframe";
content: "<div><p>Some content</p></div>",
parent: container,
sandboxFlags: [
AdFrame establishes a 2-way communication channel between iframe windows and the context where the AdFrame instance was created. This channel can be used to send messages directly to and from the contained window without the need to do all of the window.postMessage
preparation yourself.
From within the iframe, use the following methods:
window.AdFrame.sendMessage({ type: "something" });
window.AdFrame.onmessage(msg => {
if (msg.type === "response") {
From the context where the AdFrame was created:
import { createAdFrame } from "adframe";
const iframe = createAdFrame({
content: "<script>...</script>",
parent: container
const { sendMessage, onMessage } = iframe;
sendMessage({ type: "hello", customProp: true });
onMessage(msg => {
if (msg.type === "query") {
sendMessage({ type: "response" });
The messaging interface works even if iframe sandboxing is configured.
Built-In Browser Method Restoration
Some pages/scripts like to boast brand-safe ad-quality protection and the like, and can go as far as to override built-in methods like document.write
, claiming this is so that they can control what ads are rendered. I, personally, don't trust third parties to make such a decision and risk forcing all scripts and third-parties on a page to use potentially unstable JavaScript to inject ad content. AdFrame, by default, removes overridden functions when detected. You can disable this functionality by setting the restoreIframeBuiltIns
option to false
The restoreIframeBuiltIns
operates only within the confines of new iframes created using AdFrame, but you can also trigger method restoration on the global page by setting restorePageBuiltIns
to true
(defaults to false
Content Injection Methods
AdFrame comes with a variety of ways to inject HTML content into an iframe, and this can be controlled via the writeMethods
option. writeMethods
takes an array of allowed injection methods, listed in order of preference. They are automatically stripped of incompatible items when running, and if none are left after this process an error is thrown. The available methods are (listed in default order):
: Use Blob URLs to inject content (preferred)WRITE_MODE_SRCDOC
: Use the iframe srcdoc
attribute, along with base 64 encoding/decoding, to inject contentWRITE_MODE_DOC_WRITE
: Use document.write
to inject content (not available when using sandboxing)
It is recommended to leave writeMethods
to the default value in most cases, as it will auto-detect what's best for the current environment and content.
Checking Compatibility
It is vital that, when running in unknown environments, that you first check for compatibility for running configurations such as WRITE_MODE_BLOB_URL
requires that a Content-Security-Policy is not set up to block certain frame-src
values. For instance - the following HTTP header would break WRITE_MODE_BLOB_URL
content-security-policy: frame-src https:;
To get around this, you could simply disable WRITE_MODE_BLOB_URL
by omitting it, but that could prove quite cumbersome. Instead you could use the detectCSPBlocking
method to process this detection early-on:
import { createAdFrame, detectCSPBlocking } from "adframe";
function buildFrame() {
return doSomethingElse()
.then(() => new Promise(resolve =>
.then(() => createAdFrame({
The method only needs to be run once, and createAdFrame
will internally strip out WRITE_MODE_BLOB_URL
from future configurations.
Sometimes you're given a template of data to inject along with several other snippets of HTML (styles, JavaScript etc.) to write into the same frame. This can become tedious when the primary content to insert already has a <body>
. AdFrame provides the injections
option to allow for inserting extra snippets of content correctly within the main content
import { createAdFrame } from "adframe";
content: "<html><body><p>Test</p></body></html>",
injections: [
{ content: "<style>body { background: red; }</style>", prepend: true },
{ content: "<footer>Footer</footer>" }
parent: container,
onLoadCallback: () => {
Verifying Load State
AdFrame can further verify that iframe content was loaded by using postMessage
to ping an injected internal script. Enable this functionality by using the verifyLoad
option. Defaults to false
Browser Support
IE 10 and newer.
NB: This section not negotiable.