aelf-lint is used to configure eslint, prettier, stylelint, commitlint, husky, etc., as well as generate relevant configuration files to unify and standardize the code style in the project.
Installation and Usage
You can install aelf-lint using this command:
yarn add aelf-lint
npm install aelf-lint
Then you can run yarn aelf-lint
or npx aelf-lint
to generate the configuration files and install the dependencies.
You can make modifications based on this or use it directly.
- The generated file aelftsconfig.json is the basic configuration of tsconfig.json. If the tsconfig.json file already exists in the project, you need to manually copy the contents of aelftsconfig.json to tsconfig.json. Note: keep your own configuration in the project.
- If there is no tsconfig.json file, you can directly rename the aelftsconfig.json file to tsconfig.json and use it directly.