AML Modeling Framework
AMF (AML Modeling Framework) is an open-source programming framework, capable of parsing, generating and validating metadata documents defined using AML. It can be used as a library in Scala, Java, or JavaScript projects. The modular design of AMF facilitates creating plugins capable of parsing other metadata syntaxes not defined by AML.
📃 Documentation
📦 Artifacts

// add mulesoft repository
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://repository-master.mulesoft.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases'
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.amlorg:amf-api-contract_2.12:x.y.z'
NOTE: you may use the -SNAPSHOT
versions of the artifacts at your own risk since those snapshot versions may contain breaking changes.
$ npm install --save amf-client-js
Generate artifacts directly from cloned repository
To build into a JVM jar:
sbt package
To build into a JS bundle:
sh js-build.sh
More info on how to add AMF to your project here.
AMF Native support
AMF natively supports the following formats:
the following semantic models:
- WebApi (or "Web APIs" as in "APIs accessible over the network")
- AsyncApi
and the following syntactic models:
- JSON-LD "AMF model"
- RAML 0.8 / 1.0 (mapped to "WebApi")
- OpenAPI (OAS) 2.0 / 3.0 (mapped to "WebApi")
- AsyncAPI 2.0 (mapped to "AsyncApi")
The models above and any other models may be extended and supported via custom AML-defined models. Other formats and models that cannot be expressed with AML may also be supported via plugins.
Guaranteed output
The only guaranteed output of AMF is the JSON-LD "AMF model". Any other output such as any output provided natively by the models listed under the section above may change at any time. This means that while the semantic representation of those outputs may remain unchanged, the syntactical expression such as the order in which the outputted metadata is expressed and any other syntax-related constructs may change from one version of AMF to another. If this is an issue for your use-case, you may consider using a custom resolution/generation pipeline.
AMF ecosystem modules
The following image shows each module in the AMF ecosystem as a dependency graph.
For AMF adopters it is recommended to use the amf-api-contract
module which contains transitive dependencies with every
module in the ecosystem except the CLI. For AML adopters (with no Web API nor Custom validation features usage) it is recommended to
adopt the amf-aml
module which includes parsing, validation & resolution for AML documents only. For more details on
AML visit the AML repository.
The amf-api-contract
and amf-aml
are the recommended modules for AMF and AML adopters respectively.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please make sure to read our contributing guidelines.