A collection of comparison directives for Angular
Quick links
Add the package to your application.
npm install --save angular-comparison
Getting started
Import the comparison module to your angular module.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { ComparisonModule } from 'angular-comparison';
imports: [
declarations: [AppComponent],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Equal To directive
Add the equal to directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngEqualTo]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is not equal to the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngEqualTo">Second value must be equal to {{values.first}}.</div>
Greater Than directive
Add the greater than directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngGreaterThan]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is not greater than the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngGreaterThan">Second value must be greater than {{values.first}}.</div>
Greater Than Or Equal directive
Add the greater than or equal directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngGreaterThanOrEqual]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is not greater than or equal to the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngGreaterThanOrEqual">Second value must be greater than or equal to {{values.first}}.</div>
Lower Than directive
Add the lower than directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngLowerThan]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is not lower than the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngLowerThan">Second value must be lower than {{values.first}}.</div>
Lower Than Or Equal directive
Add the lower than or equal directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngLowerThanOrEqual]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is not lower than or equal to the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngLowerThanOrEqual">Second value must be lower than or equal to {{values.first}}.</div>
Not Equal To directive
Add the not equal to directive to an input element and specify the value to compare.
<input type="number" name="first" [(ngModel)]="values.first">
<input type="number" #second="ngModel" name="second" [(ngModel)]="values.second" [ngNotEqualTo]="values.first">
Then, you can add a specific error message if the input value is equal to the specified one.
<div *ngIf="second.errors && (second.dirty || second.touched)">
<div [hidden]="!second.errors.ngNotEqualTo">Second value must be different from {{values.first}}.</div>