Just another maybe approach in Javascript. I did this because there was always something small missing everywhere and since it's not hard to create a maybe polyfill I did one on my own.
With version 0.0.3 there is full support of promises.
Where to use
You should use this on values where you are not sure if you get anything back. Usually using maybes the right way helps you avoiding if-then-elses.
npm install another-maybe --save-dev
How to use
Classic default value handling
const value = maybe('originalValue')
Classic default value handling via callback
const value = maybe('originalValue')
.orElse(() => 'alternativeValue')
Usage of is method
const value = maybe('originalValue')
.is((v) => v === 'originalValue')
Usage of map method
const value = maybe('originalValue')
.map((v) => v + '1')
Usage of for-each method
const value = maybe('originalValue')
.forEach((v) => console.log(v))
Usage in async operation
const test = async () => delayFunction(200);
const value = await maybe('originalValue')
.map(async (v) => {
await test();
return v;
.orElse(async () => {
await test();
return 'alternativeValue';
Usage in an advanced async operation
const test = async () => delayFunction(200);
const value = await maybe(1)
.map(async (v) => {
await test();
return v + 1;
.is(async (v) => {
return v === 1;
.orElse(async () => {
await test();
return 0;
.forEach((v) => {
.map(async (v) => {
await test();
return undefined;
.forEach((v) => {
.map(async (v) => {
await test();
return v + 1;