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Utility CSS framework with abbreviated class names

  • 4.0.5
  • latest
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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AntCSS :ant:

Utility CSS framework with abbreviated class names.

AntCSS is like ants, small and many but powerful.
AntCSS inspired by Emmet and Tailwind CSS.


Using CDN:


A class has the following form:

sign + breakpoint + name

sign: As sign "-" if the value is negative

breakpoint: If defined, it will apply exactly that breakpoint

name: Class name


Smax-width: 767px
Mmin-width: 768px


j jS jE jB jR jV ji jiS jiE jiHdisplay: flex;
align-items: center;
aC aS aE aL aH ac acS acE acB acR acVdisplay: flex;
justify-content: center;
kdisplay: block;
idisplay: inline-block;
indisplay: inline;
f fC fCr fR fRr jH j1display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
g gC gCd gR gRd gc1 gc2 gc3 gc4 gc5 gc6 gc7 gc8 gc9 gc10 gc11 gc12 gcN gr1 gr2 gr3 gr4 gr5 gr6 grNdisplay: grid;
tbdisplay: table;
itdisplay: inline-table;
frdisplay: flow-root;
ctdisplay: contents;
lidisplay: list-item;
ndisplay: none;
a af at ar ab al ai t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t18 t20 t22 t24 t26 t28 t30 t32 tP t -t1 -t2 -t3 -t4 -t5 -t6 -t7 -t8 -t9 -t10 -t11 -t12 -t13 -t14 -t15 -t16 -t18 -t20 -t22 -t24 -t26 -t28 -t30 -t32 -tP t-3 t-6 t-9 tF -t-3 -t-6 -t-9 -tF tA r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 r16 r18 r20 r22 r24 r26 r28 r30 r32 rP r -r1 -r2 -r3 -r4 -r5 -r6 -r7 -r8 -r9 -r10 -r11 -r12 -r13 -r14 -r15 -r16 -r18 -r20 -r22 -r24 -r26 -r28 -r30 -r32 -rP r-3 r-6 r-9 rF -r-3 -r-6 -r-9 -rF rA b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 b16 b18 b20 b22 b24 b26 b28 b30 b32 bP b -b1 -b2 -b3 -b4 -b5 -b6 -b7 -b8 -b9 -b10 -b11 -b12 -b13 -b14 -b15 -b16 -b18 -b20 -b22 -b24 -b26 -b28 -b30 -b32 -bP b-3 b-6 b-9 bF -b-3 -b-6 -b-9 -bF bA l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 l11 l12 l13 l14 l15 l16 l18 l20 l22 l24 l26 l28 l30 l32 lP l -l1 -l2 -l3 -l4 -l5 -l6 -l7 -l8 -l9 -l10 -l11 -l12 -l13 -l14 -l15 -l16 -l18 -l20 -l22 -l24 -l26 -l28 -l30 -l32 -lP l-3 l-6 l-9 lF -l-3 -l-6 -l-9 -lF lAposition: absolute;
afleft: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
attop: 0;
width: 100%;
arright: 0;
height: 100%;
abbottom: 0;
width: 100%;
alleft: 0;
height: 100%;
aiinset: 0;
eposition: relative;
fxposition: fixed;
stposition: static;
skposition: sticky;
if ifC ifCr ifR ifRrdisplay: inline-flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
ig igC igCd igR igRddisplay: inline-grid;
bkSbox-decoration-break: slice;
bkbox-decoration-break: clone;
bxBbox-sizing: border-box;
bxbox-sizing: content-box;
flfloat: left;
flRfloat: right;
flNfloat: none;
clLclear: left;
clRclear: right;
clclear: both;
clNclear: none;
obCobject-fit: contain;
obobject-fit: cover;
obFobject-fit: fill;
obNobject-fit: none;
obSobject-fit: scale-down;
opTobject-position: top;
opRobject-position: right;
opBobject-position: bottom;
opLobject-position: left;
opTlobject-position: top left;
opTrobject-position: top right;
opBrobject-position: bottom right;
opBlobject-position: bottom left;
opobject-position: center;
oAoverflow: auto;
oHoverflow: hidden;
oVoverflow: visible;
oSoverflow: scroll;
oOoverflow: overlay;
oxAoverflow-x: auto;
oxHoverflow-x: hidden;
oxVoverflow-x: visible;
oxSoverflow-x: scroll;
oxOoverflow-x: overlay;
oxoverflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
oxLoverflow-x: overlay;
overflow-y: hidden;
oyAoverflow-y: auto;
oyHoverflow-y: hidden;
oyVoverflow-y: visible;
oySoverflow-y: scroll;
oyOoverflow-y: overlay;
oyoverflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
oyLoverflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: overlay;
osAoverscroll-behavior: auto;
osoverscroll-behavior: contain;
osNoverscroll-behavior: none;
osxAoverscroll-behavior-x: auto;
osxoverscroll-behavior-x: contain;
osxNoverscroll-behavior-x: none;
osyAoverscroll-behavior-y: auto;
osyoverscroll-behavior-y: contain;
osyNoverscroll-behavior-y: none;
sbscroll-behavior: smooth;
sbAscroll-behavior: auto;
sw::-webkit-scrollbardisplay: none;
swscrollbar-width: none;
t1top: .25rem;
t2top: .5rem;
t3top: .75rem;
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t8top: 2rem;
t9top: 2.25rem;
t10top: 2.5rem;
t11top: 2.75rem;
t12top: 3rem;
t13top: 3.25rem;
t14top: 3.5rem;
t15top: 3.75rem;
t16top: 4rem;
t18top: 4.5rem;
t20top: 5rem;
t22top: 5.5rem;
t24top: 6rem;
t26top: 6.5rem;
t28top: 7rem;
t30top: 7.5rem;
t32top: 8rem;
tPtop: 1px;
ttop: 0;
-t1top: -.25rem;
-t2top: -.5rem;
-t3top: -.75rem;
-t4top: -1rem;
-t5top: -1.25rem;
-t6top: -1.5rem;
-t7top: -1.75rem;
-t8top: -2rem;
-t9top: -2.25rem;
-t10top: -2.5rem;
-t11top: -2.75rem;
-t12top: -3rem;
-t13top: -3.25rem;
-t14top: -3.5rem;
-t15top: -3.75rem;
-t16top: -4rem;
-t18top: -4.5rem;
-t20top: -5rem;
-t22top: -5.5rem;
-t24top: -6rem;
-t26top: -6.5rem;
-t28top: -7rem;
-t30top: -7.5rem;
-t32top: -8rem;
-tPtop: -1px;
t-3top: 25%;
t-6top: 50%;
t-9top: 75%;
tFtop: 100%;
-t-3top: -25%;
-t-6top: -50%;
-t-9top: -75%;
-tFtop: -100%;
tAtop: auto;
r1right: .25rem;
r2right: .5rem;
r3right: .75rem;
r4right: 1rem;
r5right: 1.25rem;
r6right: 1.5rem;
r7right: 1.75rem;
r8right: 2rem;
r9right: 2.25rem;
r10right: 2.5rem;
r11right: 2.75rem;
r12right: 3rem;
r13right: 3.25rem;
r14right: 3.5rem;
r15right: 3.75rem;
r16right: 4rem;
r18right: 4.5rem;
r20right: 5rem;
r22right: 5.5rem;
r24right: 6rem;
r26right: 6.5rem;
r28right: 7rem;
r30right: 7.5rem;
r32right: 8rem;
rPright: 1px;
rright: 0;
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-r2right: -.5rem;
-r3right: -.75rem;
-r4right: -1rem;
-r5right: -1.25rem;
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-r7right: -1.75rem;
-r8right: -2rem;
-r9right: -2.25rem;
-r10right: -2.5rem;
-r11right: -2.75rem;
-r12right: -3rem;
-r13right: -3.25rem;
-r14right: -3.5rem;
-r15right: -3.75rem;
-r16right: -4rem;
-r18right: -4.5rem;
-r20right: -5rem;
-r22right: -5.5rem;
-r24right: -6rem;
-r26right: -6.5rem;
-r28right: -7rem;
-r30right: -7.5rem;
-r32right: -8rem;
-rPright: -1px;
r-3right: 25%;
r-6right: 50%;
r-9right: 75%;
rFright: 100%;
-r-3right: -25%;
-r-6right: -50%;
-r-9right: -75%;
-rFright: -100%;
rAright: auto;
b1bottom: .25rem;
b2bottom: .5rem;
b3bottom: .75rem;
b4bottom: 1rem;
b5bottom: 1.25rem;
b6bottom: 1.5rem;
b7bottom: 1.75rem;
b8bottom: 2rem;
b9bottom: 2.25rem;
b10bottom: 2.5rem;
b11bottom: 2.75rem;
b12bottom: 3rem;
b13bottom: 3.25rem;
b14bottom: 3.5rem;
b15bottom: 3.75rem;
b16bottom: 4rem;
b18bottom: 4.5rem;
b20bottom: 5rem;
b22bottom: 5.5rem;
b24bottom: 6rem;
b26bottom: 6.5rem;
b28bottom: 7rem;
b30bottom: 7.5rem;
b32bottom: 8rem;
bPbottom: 1px;
bbottom: 0;
-b1bottom: -.25rem;
-b2bottom: -.5rem;
-b3bottom: -.75rem;
-b4bottom: -1rem;
-b5bottom: -1.25rem;
-b6bottom: -1.5rem;
-b7bottom: -1.75rem;
-b8bottom: -2rem;
-b9bottom: -2.25rem;
-b10bottom: -2.5rem;
-b11bottom: -2.75rem;
-b12bottom: -3rem;
-b13bottom: -3.25rem;
-b14bottom: -3.5rem;
-b15bottom: -3.75rem;
-b16bottom: -4rem;
-b18bottom: -4.5rem;
-b20bottom: -5rem;
-b22bottom: -5.5rem;
-b24bottom: -6rem;
-b26bottom: -6.5rem;
-b28bottom: -7rem;
-b30bottom: -7.5rem;
-b32bottom: -8rem;
-bPbottom: -1px;
b-3bottom: 25%;
b-6bottom: 50%;
b-9bottom: 75%;
bFbottom: 100%;
-b-3bottom: -25%;
-b-6bottom: -50%;
-b-9bottom: -75%;
-bFbottom: -100%;
bAbottom: auto;
l1left: .25rem;
l2left: .5rem;
l3left: .75rem;
l4left: 1rem;
l5left: 1.25rem;
l6left: 1.5rem;
l7left: 1.75rem;
l8left: 2rem;
l9left: 2.25rem;
l10left: 2.5rem;
l11left: 2.75rem;
l12left: 3rem;
l13left: 3.25rem;
l14left: 3.5rem;
l15left: 3.75rem;
l16left: 4rem;
l18left: 4.5rem;
l20left: 5rem;
l22left: 5.5rem;
l24left: 6rem;
l26left: 6.5rem;
l28left: 7rem;
l30left: 7.5rem;
l32left: 8rem;
lPleft: 1px;
lleft: 0;
-l1left: -.25rem;
-l2left: -.5rem;
-l3left: -.75rem;
-l4left: -1rem;
-l5left: -1.25rem;
-l6left: -1.5rem;
-l7left: -1.75rem;
-l8left: -2rem;
-l9left: -2.25rem;
-l10left: -2.5rem;
-l11left: -2.75rem;
-l12left: -3rem;
-l13left: -3.25rem;
-l14left: -3.5rem;
-l15left: -3.75rem;
-l16left: -4rem;
-l18left: -4.5rem;
-l20left: -5rem;
-l22left: -5.5rem;
-l24left: -6rem;
-l26left: -6.5rem;
-l28left: -7rem;
-l30left: -7.5rem;
-l32left: -8rem;
-lPleft: -1px;
l-3left: 25%;
l-6left: 50%;
l-9left: 75%;
lFleft: 100%;
-l-3left: -25%;
-l-6left: -50%;
-l-9left: -75%;
-lFleft: -100%;
lAleft: auto;
vVvisibility: visible;
vHvisibility: hidden;
z1z-index: 1;
z2z-index: 2;
z3z-index: 3;
z4z-index: 4;
z5z-index: 5;
z10z-index: 10;
z20z-index: 20;
z30z-index: 30;
z40z-index: 40;
z50z-index: 50;
zz-index: 0;
-zz-index: -1;
zAz-index: auto;
jH>*flex-grow: 1;
j1>*flex: 1;
f1flex: 1;
fAflex: auto;
fIflex: initial;
fNflex: none;
fRflex-direction: row;
fCflex-direction: column;
fRrflex-direction: row-reverse;
fCrflex-direction: column-reverse;
fWflex-wrap: wrap;
fRflex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
fOflex-wrap: nowrap;
ifRflex-direction: row;
ifCflex-direction: column;
ifRrflex-direction: row-reverse;
ifCrflex-direction: column-reverse;
fg0flex-grow: 0;
fgflex-grow: 1;
fk0flex-shrink: 0;
fkflex-shrink: 1;
od0order: 0;
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od2order: 2;
od3order: 3;
od4order: 4;
od5order: 5;
od6order: 6;
od7order: 7;
od8order: 8;
od9order: 9;
od10order: 10;
od11order: 11;
od12order: 12;
odForder: -9999;
odLorder: 9999;
gRgrid-auto-flow: row;
gCgrid-auto-flow: column;
gRdgrid-auto-flow: row dense;
gCdgrid-auto-flow: column dense;
igRgrid-auto-flow: row;
igCgrid-auto-flow: column;
igRdgrid-auto-flow: row dense;
igCdgrid-auto-flow: column dense;
gc1grid-template-columns: repeat(1,minmax(0,1fr));
gc2grid-template-columns: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr));
gc3grid-template-columns: repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr));
gc4grid-template-columns: repeat(4,minmax(0,1fr));
gc5grid-template-columns: repeat(5,minmax(0,1fr));
gc6grid-template-columns: repeat(6,minmax(0,1fr));
gc7grid-template-columns: repeat(7,minmax(0,1fr));
gc8grid-template-columns: repeat(8,minmax(0,1fr));
gc9grid-template-columns: repeat(9,minmax(0,1fr));
gc10grid-template-columns: repeat(10,minmax(0,1fr));
gc11grid-template-columns: repeat(11,minmax(0,1fr));
gc12grid-template-columns: repeat(12,minmax(0,1fr));
gcA1grid-template-columns: repeat(1,auto);
gcA2grid-template-columns: repeat(2,auto);
gcA3grid-template-columns: repeat(3,auto);
gcA4grid-template-columns: repeat(4,auto);
gcA5grid-template-columns: repeat(5,auto);
gcA6grid-template-columns: repeat(6,auto);
gcA7grid-template-columns: repeat(7,auto);
gcA8grid-template-columns: repeat(8,auto);
gcA9grid-template-columns: repeat(9,auto);
gcA10grid-template-columns: repeat(10,auto);
gcA11grid-template-columns: repeat(11,auto);
gcA12grid-template-columns: repeat(12,auto);
gcNgrid-template-columns: none;
gr1grid-template-rows: repeat(1,minmax(0,1fr));
gr2grid-template-rows: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr));
gr3grid-template-rows: repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr));
gr4grid-template-rows: repeat(4,minmax(0,1fr));
gr5grid-template-rows: repeat(5,minmax(0,1fr));
gr6grid-template-rows: repeat(6,minmax(0,1fr));
grA1grid-template-rows: repeat(1,auto);
grA2grid-template-rows: repeat(2,auto);
grA3grid-template-rows: repeat(3,auto);
grA4grid-template-rows: repeat(4,auto);
grA5grid-template-rows: repeat(5,auto);
grA6grid-template-rows: repeat(6,auto);
grNgrid-template-rows: none;
gw1grid-column: span 1/span 1;
gw2grid-column: span 2/span 2;
gw3grid-column: span 3/span 3;
gw4grid-column: span 4/span 4;
gw5grid-column: span 5/span 5;
gw6grid-column: span 6/span 6;
gw7grid-column: span 7/span 7;
gw8grid-column: span 8/span 8;
gw9grid-column: span 9/span 9;
gw10grid-column: span 10/span 10;
gw11grid-column: span 11/span 11;
gw12grid-column: span 12/span 12;
gwgrid-column: 1/-1;
gwAgrid-column: auto;
gs2grid-column-start: 2;
gs3grid-column-start: 3;
gs4grid-column-start: 4;
gs5grid-column-start: 5;
gs6grid-column-start: 6;
gs7grid-column-start: 7;
gs8grid-column-start: 8;
gs9grid-column-start: 9;
gs10grid-column-start: 10;
gs11grid-column-start: 11;
gs12grid-column-start: 12;
gs13grid-column-start: 13;
gsgrid-column-start: 1;
gsAgrid-column-start: auto;
ge1grid-column-end: 1;
ge2grid-column-end: 2;
ge3grid-column-end: 3;
ge4grid-column-end: 4;
ge5grid-column-end: 5;
ge6grid-column-end: 6;
ge7grid-column-end: 7;
ge8grid-column-end: 8;
ge9grid-column-end: 9;
ge10grid-column-end: 10;
ge11grid-column-end: 11;
ge12grid-column-end: 12;
gegrid-column-end: 13;
geAgrid-column-end: auto;
gh1grid-row: span 1/span 1;
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gh4grid-row: span 4/span 4;
gh5grid-row: span 5/span 5;
gh6grid-row: span 6/span 6;
ghgrid-row: 1/-1;
ghAgrid-row: auto;
ghs2grid-row-start: 2;
ghs3grid-row-start: 3;
ghs4grid-row-start: 4;
ghs5grid-row-start: 5;
ghs6grid-row-start: 6;
ghs7grid-row-start: 7;
ghsgrid-row-start: 1;
ghsAgrid-row-start: auto;
ghe1grid-row-end: 1;
ghe2grid-row-end: 2;
ghe3grid-row-end: 3;
ghe4grid-row-end: 4;
ghe5grid-row-end: 5;
ghe6grid-row-end: 6;
ghegrid-row-end: 7;
gheAgrid-row-end: auto;
gac1grid-auto-columns: 100%;
gac2grid-auto-columns: 50%;
gac3grid-auto-columns: 33.33333%;
gac4grid-auto-columns: 25%;
gac5grid-auto-columns: 20%;
gac6grid-auto-columns: 16.66667%;
gac7grid-auto-columns: 14.28571%;
gac8grid-auto-columns: 12.5%;
gac9grid-auto-columns: 11.11111%;
gac10grid-auto-columns: 10%;
gac11grid-auto-columns: 9.09091%;
gac12grid-auto-columns: 8.33333%;
gacAgrid-auto-columns: auto;
gacMigrid-auto-columns: min-content;
gacMagrid-auto-columns: max-content;
gacFrgrid-auto-columns: minmax(0,1fr);
ga1grid-auto-rows: 100%;
ga2grid-auto-rows: 50%;
ga3grid-auto-rows: 33.33333%;
ga4grid-auto-rows: 25%;
ga5grid-auto-rows: 20%;
ga6grid-auto-rows: 16.66667%;
gaAgrid-auto-rows: auto;
gaMigrid-auto-rows: min-content;
gaMagrid-auto-rows: max-content;
gaFrgrid-auto-rows: minmax(0,1fr);
g0gap: 0;
g1gap: .25rem;
g2gap: .5rem;
g3gap: .75rem;
g4gap: 1rem;
g5gap: 1.25rem;
g6gap: 1.5rem;
g7gap: 1.75rem;
g8gap: 2rem;
g9gap: 2.25rem;
g10gap: 2.5rem;
g11gap: 2.75rem;
g12gap: 3rem;
g13gap: 3.25rem;
g14gap: 3.5rem;
g15gap: 3.75rem;
g16gap: 4rem;
g18gap: 4.5rem;
g20gap: 5rem;
g22gap: 5.5rem;
g24gap: 6rem;
g26gap: 6.5rem;
g28gap: 7rem;
g30gap: 7.5rem;
g32gap: 8rem;
gPgap: 1px;
gx0column-gap: 0;
gx1column-gap: .25rem;
gx2column-gap: .5rem;
gx3column-gap: .75rem;
gx4column-gap: 1rem;
gx5column-gap: 1.25rem;
gx6column-gap: 1.5rem;
gx7column-gap: 1.75rem;
gx8column-gap: 2rem;
gx9column-gap: 2.25rem;
gx10column-gap: 2.5rem;
gx11column-gap: 2.75rem;
gx12column-gap: 3rem;
gx13column-gap: 3.25rem;
gx14column-gap: 3.5rem;
gx15column-gap: 3.75rem;
gx16column-gap: 4rem;
gx18column-gap: 4.5rem;
gx20column-gap: 5rem;
gx22column-gap: 5.5rem;
gx24column-gap: 6rem;
gx26column-gap: 6.5rem;
gx28column-gap: 7rem;
gx30column-gap: 7.5rem;
gx32column-gap: 8rem;
gxPcolumn-gap: 1px;
gy0row-gap: 0;
gy1row-gap: .25rem;
gy2row-gap: .5rem;
gy3row-gap: .75rem;
gy4row-gap: 1rem;
gy5row-gap: 1.25rem;
gy6row-gap: 1.5rem;
gy7row-gap: 1.75rem;
gy8row-gap: 2rem;
gy9row-gap: 2.25rem;
gy10row-gap: 2.5rem;
gy11row-gap: 2.75rem;
gy12row-gap: 3rem;
gy13row-gap: 3.25rem;
gy14row-gap: 3.5rem;
gy15row-gap: 3.75rem;
gy16row-gap: 4rem;
gy18row-gap: 4.5rem;
gy20row-gap: 5rem;
gy22row-gap: 5.5rem;
gy24row-gap: 6rem;
gy26row-gap: 6.5rem;
gy28row-gap: 7rem;
gy30row-gap: 7.5rem;
gy32row-gap: 8rem;
gyProw-gap: 1px;
jSjustify-content: flex-start;
jEjustify-content: flex-end;
jjustify-content: center;
jBjustify-content: space-between;
jRjustify-content: space-around;
jVjustify-content: space-evenly;
jiSjustify-items: flex-start;
jiEjustify-items: flex-end;
jijustify-items: center;
jiHjustify-items: stretch;
jsSjustify-self: flex-start;
jsEjustify-self: flex-end;
jsjustify-self: center;
jsHjustify-self: stretch;
jsAjustify-self: auto;
acSalign-content: flex-start;
acEalign-content: flex-end;
acalign-content: center;
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csIcursor: zoom-in;
csOcursor: zoom-out;
csCcursor: copy;
csRcursor: crosshair;
csGcursor: grab;
csBcursor: grabing;
csDcursor: default;
csAcursor: auto;
csNcursor: none;
ol0box-shadow: none;
ol1--oo: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--oc);
ol2--oo: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--oc);
ol3--oo: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px var(--oc);
ol4--oo: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px var(--oc);
ol8--oo: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 8px var(--oc);
oloutline: 0;
ocT--oc: transparent;
ocC--oc: currentColor;
oc0--oc: rgba(249,250,251,var(--oo));
oc1--oc: rgba(243,244,246,var(--oo));
oc2--oc: rgba(229,231,235,var(--oo));
oc3--oc: rgba(209,213,219,var(--oo));
oc4--oc: rgba(156,163,175,var(--oo));
oc5--oc: rgba(107,114,128,var(--oo));
oc6--oc: rgba(75,85,99,var(--oo));
oc7--oc: rgba(55,65,81,var(--oo));
oc8--oc: rgba(31,41,55,var(--oo));
oc9--oc: rgba(17,24,39,var(--oo));
ocK--oc: rgba(0,0,0,var(--oo));
ocW--oc: rgba(255,255,255,var(--oo));
ocR0--oc: rgba(254,242,242,var(--oo));
ocR1--oc: rgba(254,226,226,var(--oo));
ocR2--oc: rgba(254,202,202,var(--oo));
ocR3--oc: rgba(252,165,165,var(--oo));
ocR4--oc: rgba(248,113,113,var(--oo));
ocR5--oc: rgba(239,68,68,var(--oo));
ocR6--oc: rgba(220,38,38,var(--oo));
ocR7--oc: rgba(185,28,28,var(--oo));
ocR8--oc: rgba(153,27,27,var(--oo));
ocR9--oc: rgba(127,29,29,var(--oo));
ocY0--oc: rgba(255,251,235,var(--oo));
ocY1--oc: rgba(254,243,199,var(--oo));
ocY2--oc: rgba(253,230,138,var(--oo));
ocY3--oc: rgba(252,211,77,var(--oo));
ocY4--oc: rgba(251,191,36,var(--oo));
ocY5--oc: rgba(245,158,11,var(--oo));
ocY6--oc: rgba(217,119,6,var(--oo));
ocY7--oc: rgba(180,83,9,var(--oo));
ocY8--oc: rgba(146,64,14,var(--oo));
ocY9--oc: rgba(120,53,15,var(--oo));
ocG0--oc: rgba(236,253,245,var(--oo));
ocG1--oc: rgba(209,250,229,var(--oo));
ocG2--oc: rgba(167,243,208,var(--oo));
ocG3--oc: rgba(110,231,183,var(--oo));
ocG4--oc: rgba(52,211,153,var(--oo));
ocG5--oc: rgba(16,185,129,var(--oo));
ocG6--oc: rgba(5,150,105,var(--oo));
ocG7--oc: rgba(4,120,87,var(--oo));
ocG8--oc: rgba(6,95,70,var(--oo));
ocG9--oc: rgba(6,78,59,var(--oo));
ocB0--oc: rgba(239,246,255,var(--oo));
ocB1--oc: rgba(219,234,254,var(--oo));
ocB2--oc: rgba(191,219,254,var(--oo));
ocB3--oc: rgba(147,197,253,var(--oo));
ocB4--oc: rgba(96,165,250,var(--oo));
ocB5--oc: rgba(59,130,246,var(--oo));
ocB6--oc: rgba(37,99,235,var(--oo));
ocB7--oc: rgba(29,78,216,var(--oo));
ocB8--oc: rgba(30,64,175,var(--oo));
ocB9--oc: rgba(30,58,138,var(--oo));
oo0--oo: 0;
oo5--oo: .05;
oo10--oo: .1;
oo20--oo: .2;
oo25--oo: .25;
oo30--oo: .3;
oo40--oo: .4;
oo60--oo: .6;
oo70--oo: .7;
oo75--oo: .75;
oo80--oo: .8;
oo90--oo: .9;
oo95--oo: .95;
oo100--oo: 1;
oo--oo: .5;
peApointer-events: auto;
pepointer-events: none;
rzBresize: both;
rzWresize: horizontal;
rzHresize: vertical;
rzresize: none;
usTuser-select: text;
usLuser-select: all;
usAuser-select: auto;
ususer-select: none;
udE-webkit-user-drag: element;
user-drag: element;
udA-webkit-user-drag: auto;
user-drag: auto;
ud-webkit-user-drag: none;
user-drag: none;
a1 ax1 ax2 ax3 ax4 ax5 ax6 ax7 ax ax9 ax10 ax11 ax12 ax13 ax14 ax15 ax16 ay1 ay2 ay3 ay4 ay5 ay6 ay7 ay ay9 ay10 ay11 ay12 ay13 ay14 ay15 ay16--ax: 8;
--ay: 8;
aspect-ratio: var(--ax)/var(--ay);
ax1--ax: 1;
ax2--ax: 2;
ax3--ax: 3;
ax4--ax: 4;
ax5--ax: 5;
ax6--ax: 6;
ax7--ax: 7;
ax9--ax: 9;
ax10--ax: 10;
ax11--ax: 11;
ax12--ax: 12;
ax13--ax: 13;
ax14--ax: 14;
ax15--ax: 15;
ax16--ax: 16;
ax--ax: 8;
ay1--ay: 1;
ay2--ay: 2;
ay3--ay: 3;
ay4--ay: 4;
ay5--ay: 5;
ay6--ay: 6;
ay7--ay: 7;
ay9--ay: 9;
ay10--ay: 10;
ay11--ay: 11;
ay12--ay: 12;
ay13--ay: 13;
ay14--ay: 14;
ay15--ay: 15;
ay16--ay: 16;
ay--ay: 8;
imimage-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
imPimage-rendering: pixelated;



Package last updated on 18 Jun 2021

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