Apollo GraphQL Logger

npm install --save-dev apollo-logger
For full logging you will need to attach Apollo Logger to:
- Apollo Link
- Apollo Express Server
- And PubSub
import { LoggingLink, wrapPubSub, formatResponse } from 'apollo-logger';
const logOptions = { logger: console.log };
const link = ApolloLink.from([
new LoggingLink(logOptions),
new HttpLink({uri: ...})
app.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema: myGraphQLSchema, formatResponse: formatResponse.bind(logOptions) });
const pubsub = wrapPubSub(new PubSub(), logOptions);
Sample output
On each example the result of operation comes after =>
{"data":{"post":{"id":20,"title":"Post title 20","content":"Post content 20","__typename":"Post","comments":[{"id":39,"content":"Comment title 1 for post 20","__typename":"Comment"},{"id":40,"content":"Comment title 2 for post 20","__typename":"Comment"}]}}} <= post({"id":"20"})
{"data":{"addCounter":{"amount":21,"__typename":"Counter"}}} <= addCounter({"amount":1})
subscribe <= onPostUpdated({"endCursor":11})
{"data":{"counterUpdated":{"amount":21,"__typename":"Counter"}}} <= onCounterUpdated
unsubscribe <= onPostUpdated({"endCursor":11})
- PubSub publish on a server:
pubsub publish [ 'countUpdated',
{ id: 1, created_at: null, updated_at: null, amount: 7 } ]
- PubSub subscribe on a server:
pubsub subscribe postsUpdated => 2
- PubSub unsubscribe on a server:
pubsub unsubscribe [ 2 ]
- PubSub message generated on a server:
pubsub msg postsUpdated({"mutation":"CREATED","id":21,"node":{"id":21,"title":"New post 1"}})
Copyright © 2017 SysGears INC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.