SDK for Aptos Node API

The public SDK downloaded from npmjs is compatible with the Aptos devnet. To start building, run below command in your project directory:
pnpm add aptos
or use the browser bundle
<script src="" />
Then, the SDK can be accessed through window.aptosSDK
Learn the basics of how to use the SDK by following this tutorial in the Aptos developer site.
For Javascript or Typescript usage, check out the ./examples
folder with ready-made package.json
files to get you going quickly!
If you are using the types in a commonjs
module, like in a Node app, you just have to enable esModuleInterop
and allowSyntheticDefaultImports
in your tsconfig
for types compatibility:
"compilerOptions": {
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
pnpm install
Generating API client
This SDK is composed of two parts, a core client generated from the OpenAPI spec of the API, and a set of wrappers that make it nicer to use, enable certain content types, etc.
To generate the core client from the spec, run:
pnpm generate-client
Working with devnet
See the quickstart above.
Working with local node
To develop in a local environment, you need to use the SDK from the main branch.
SDK from the main branch might not be compatible with the devnet.
Run a local node (run from the root of the repo):
cargo run -p aptos -- node run-local-testnet --with-faucet --faucet-port 8081 --force-restart --assume-yes
Run the SDK tests and make sure they pass. Go to the SDK directory, and setup an env to configure the URLs:
rm .env
echo 'APTOS_NODE_URL=""' >> .env
echo 'APTOS_FAUCET_URL=""' >> .env
Run the tests:
pnpm test
If you see strange behavior regarding HTTP clients, try running the tests with --detectOpenHandles
Package the SDK and start building:
pnpm build
pnpm pack
Semantic versioning
This project follows semver as closely as possible.
Release process
To release a new version of the SDK do the following.
- Check that the commit you're deploying from (likely just the latest commit of
) is green ln CI. Go to GitHub and make sure there is a green tick, specifically for the sdk-release
release CI step. This ensures that the all tests, formatters, and linters passed, including server / client compatibility tests (within that commit) and tests to ensure the API, API spec, and client were all generated and match up. - Bump the version in
according to semver. - Add an entry in the CHANGELOG for the version. We adhere to Keep a Changelog. Generally this means changing the "Unreleased" section to a version and then making a new "Unreleased" section.
- Once you're confident everything is correct, submit your PR. The CI will ensure that you have followed all the previous steps, specifically ensuring that the API, API spec, and SDK client are all compatible, that you've updated the changelog, that the tests pass, etc.
- Land the PR into the main branch. Make sure this commit comes up green in CI too.
- Check out the latest commit on main.
- Get the auth token from our password manager. Search for "npmjs". It should look like similar to this:
. - Run
pnpm publish --dry-run
. From here, make some sanity checks:
a. Look closely at the output of the command. {ay close attention to what is packaged. Make sure we're not including some files that were included accidentally. For example .aptos
. Add those to .npmignore if needed.
b. Compare the summary with the public npm package summary on npmjs. The number of files and sizes should not vary too much. - Run
NODE_AUTH_TOKEN=<token> pnpm checked-publish
- Double check that the release worked by visitng npmjs: