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asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.1 to 0.5.0


(function (Opal) {
function initialize (Opal) {
/* Generated by Opal 0.11.2 */
/* Generated by Opal */
Opal.modules["asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/version"] = function(Opal) {
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module;
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $$$ = Opal.const_get_qualified, $$ = Opal.const_get_relative, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module;
return (function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $Asciidoctor, self = $Asciidoctor = $module($base, 'Asciidoctor');
var self = $module($base, 'Asciidoctor');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
(function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $InterdocReftext, self = $InterdocReftext = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var self = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
Opal.const_set($nesting[0], 'VERSION', "0.4.1")
Opal.const_set($nesting[0], 'VERSION', "0.5.0")
})($nesting[0], $nesting)

@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ })($nesting[0], $nesting)

/* Generated by Opal 0.11.2 */
/* Generated by Opal */
Opal.modules["asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/inline_node_mixin"] = function(Opal) {
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $send = Opal.send, $truthy = Opal.truthy;
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $$$ = Opal.const_get_qualified, $$ = Opal.const_get_relative, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $send = Opal.send, $truthy = Opal.truthy;
Opal.add_stubs(['$==', '$require', '$send', '$text_without_reftext', '$interdoc_reftext', '$private', '$!=', '$nil?', '$[]', '$instance_variable_get', '$call']);
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {

@@ -35,23 +35,23 @@ };

return (function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $InterdocReftext, self = $InterdocReftext = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var self = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
(function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $InlineNodeMixin, self = $InlineNodeMixin = $module($base, 'InlineNodeMixin');
var self = $module($base, 'InlineNodeMixin');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), TMP_InlineNodeMixin_included_2, TMP_InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext_3;
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), $InlineNodeMixin_included$1, $InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext$3;
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
Opal.defs(self, '$included', TMP_InlineNodeMixin_included_2 = function $$included(base_klass) {
var TMP_1, self = this;
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
Opal.defs(self, '$included', $InlineNodeMixin_included$1 = function $$included(base_klass) {
var $$2, self = this;
base_klass.$send("alias_method", "text_without_reftext", "text");
return $send(base_klass, 'send', ["define_method", "text"], (TMP_1 = function(){var self = TMP_1.$$s || this, $a;
return $send(base_klass, 'send', ["define_method", "text"], ($$2 = function(){var self = $$2.$$s || this, $a;
return ($truthy($a = self.$text_without_reftext()) ? $a : self.$interdoc_reftext())}, TMP_1.$$s = self, TMP_1.$$arity = 0, TMP_1));
}, TMP_InlineNodeMixin_included_2.$$arity = 1)
} else {
return ($truthy($a = self.$text_without_reftext()) ? $a : self.$interdoc_reftext())}, $$2.$$s = self, $$2.$$arity = 0, $$2));
}, $InlineNodeMixin_included$1.$$arity = 1)
} else {

@@ -61,3 +61,3 @@ };

Opal.defn(self, '$interdoc_reftext', TMP_InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext_3 = function $$interdoc_reftext() {
Opal.def(self, '$interdoc_reftext', $InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext$3 = function $$interdoc_reftext() {
var $a, self = this, resolver = nil;

@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ if (self.node_name == null) self.node_name = nil;

return nil};
if ($truthy((resolver = self.document.$instance_variable_get(Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Processor'), 'RESOLVER_VAR_NAME'))))) {
if ($truthy((resolver = self.document.$instance_variable_get($$$($$($nesting, 'Processor'), 'RESOLVER_VAR_NAME'))))) {
return (self.text = resolver.$call(self.attributes['$[]']("refid")))
} else {
} else {
return nil
}, TMP_InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext_3.$$arity = 0);
}, $InlineNodeMixin_interdoc_reftext$3.$$arity = 0);
})($nesting[0], $nesting)
})(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
})($$($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
/* Generated by Opal 0.11.2 */
/* Generated by Opal */
Opal.modules["asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/resolver"] = function(Opal) {

@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ function $rb_minus(lhs, rhs) {

var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $klass = Opal.klass, $truthy = Opal.truthy, $send = Opal.send, $hash2 = Opal.hash2;
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $$$ = Opal.const_get_qualified, $$ = Opal.const_get_relative, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $klass = Opal.klass, $hash2 = Opal.hash2, $truthy = Opal.truthy, $send = Opal.send;
Opal.add_stubs(['$==', '$require', '$logger', '$new', '$tap', '$puts', '$freeze', '$dup', '$empty?', '$start_with?', '$raise', '$error', '$split', '$resolve_target_path', '$[]', '$read_file', '$parse_reftext', '$[]=', '$-', '$protected', '$attr_reader', '$normalize_system_path', '$dir', '$reader', '$each', '$+', '$file?', '$open', '$each_line', '$doctitle', '$asciidoc_load', '$take', '$catalog', '$xreftext', '$is_a?', '$!', '$respond_to?', '$send', '$singleton_class', '$load', '$options']);
Opal.add_stubs(['$==', '$require', '$logger', '$new', '$freeze', '$dup', '$empty?', '$start_with?', '$raise', '$error', '$split', '$resolve_target_path', '$[]', '$read_file', '$parse_reftext', '$[]=', '$-', '$protected', '$attr_reader', '$normalize_system_path', '$dir', '$reader', '$each', '$+', '$file?', '$open', '$each_line', '$doctitle', '$asciidoc_load', '$take', '$catalog', '$xreftext', '$load', '$to_a', '$options']);
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {

@@ -105,56 +105,43 @@ };

return (function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $InterdocReftext, self = $InterdocReftext = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var self = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
(function($base, $super, $parent_nesting) {
function $Resolver(){};
var self = $Resolver = $klass($base, $super, 'Resolver', $Resolver);
var self = $klass($base, $super, 'Resolver');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), TMP_Resolver_initialize_3, TMP_Resolver_resolve_reftext_5, TMP_Resolver_resolve_target_path_7, TMP_Resolver_read_file_9, TMP_Resolver_parse_reftext_10, TMP_Resolver_asciidoc_load_11;
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), $Resolver_initialize$1, $Resolver_resolve_reftext$2, $Resolver_resolve_target_path$4, $Resolver_read_file$6, $Resolver_parse_reftext$8, $Resolver_asciidoc_load$9;
def.raise_exceptions = def.logger = def.cache = def.document = def.asciidoc_exts = nil;
self.$$prototype.raise_exceptions = self.$$prototype.logger = self.$$prototype.cache = self.$$prototype.document = self.$$prototype.asciidoc_exts = nil;
Opal.defn(self, '$initialize', TMP_Resolver_initialize_3 = function $$initialize(document, $kwargs) {
var $a, $b, $c, $d, TMP_1, self = this, asciidoc_exts, logger, raise_exceptions;
Opal.def(self, '$initialize', $Resolver_initialize$1 = function $$initialize(document, $kwargs) {
var asciidoc_exts, logger, raise_exceptions, $a, $b, $c, self = this;
if ($kwargs == null || !$kwargs.$$is_hash) {
if ($kwargs == null) {
$kwargs = $hash2([], {});
} else {
throw Opal.ArgumentError.$new('expected kwargs');
if ($kwargs == null) {
$kwargs = $hash2([], {});
} else if (!$kwargs.$$is_hash) {
throw Opal.ArgumentError.$new('expected kwargs');
asciidoc_exts = $kwargs.$$smap["asciidoc_exts"];
if (asciidoc_exts == null) {
asciidoc_exts = [".adoc", ".asciidoc", ".ad"]
logger = $kwargs.$$smap["logger"];
if (logger == null) {
logger = nil
raise_exceptions = $kwargs.$$smap["raise_exceptions"];
if (raise_exceptions == null) {
raise_exceptions = true
logger = ($truthy($a = logger) ? $a : (function() {if ($truthy((($c = Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor', 'skip_raise')) && ($b = Opal.const_get_qualified($c, 'LoggerManager', 'skip_raise')) ? 'constant' : nil))) {
return Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'LoggerManager').$logger()
} else if ($truthy((($d = Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Logger', 'skip_raise')) ? 'constant' : nil))) {
return Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Logger').$new(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'STDERR'))
} else {
return $send(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Object').$new(), 'tap', [], (TMP_1 = function(o){var self = TMP_1.$$s || this, TMP_method_missing_2;
if (o == null) o = nil;
return Opal.defs(o, '$method_missing', TMP_method_missing_2 = function $$method_missing(_, $a_rest) {
var self = this, args;
var $args_len = arguments.length, $rest_len = $args_len - 1;
if ($rest_len < 0) { $rest_len = 0; }
args = new Array($rest_len);
for (var $arg_idx = 1; $arg_idx < $args_len; $arg_idx++) {
args[$arg_idx - 1] = arguments[$arg_idx];
return $send(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'STDERR'), 'puts', Opal.to_a(args))
}, TMP_method_missing_2.$$arity = -2)}, TMP_1.$$s = self, TMP_1.$$arity = 1, TMP_1))
logger = ($truthy($a = logger) ? $a : (function() {if ($truthy((($c = $$$('::', 'Asciidoctor', 'skip_raise')) && ($b = $$$($c, 'LoggerManager', 'skip_raise')) ? 'constant' : nil))) {
return $$$($$$('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'LoggerManager').$logger()
} else {
return $$$('::', 'Logger').$new($$($nesting, 'STDERR'))
}; return nil; })());

@@ -166,7 +153,7 @@ self.document = document;

return (self.cache = $hash2([], {}));
}, TMP_Resolver_initialize_3.$$arity = -2);
}, $Resolver_initialize$1.$$arity = -2);
Opal.defn(self, '$resolve_reftext', TMP_Resolver_resolve_reftext_5 = function $$resolve_reftext(refid) {try {
Opal.def(self, '$resolve_reftext', $Resolver_resolve_reftext$2 = function $$resolve_reftext(refid) {try {
var $a, $b, TMP_4, self = this, msg = nil, path = nil, fragment = nil, $writer = nil, e = nil;
var $a, $b, $$3, self = this, msg = nil, path = nil, fragment = nil, $writer = nil, e = nil;

@@ -178,3 +165,3 @@

if ($truthy(self.raise_exceptions)) {
self.$raise(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'ArgumentError'), msg)};
self.$raise($$($nesting, 'ArgumentError'), msg)};

@@ -185,7 +172,12 @@ return nil;};

return ($truthy($a = self.cache['$[]'](((("" + (path)) + "#") + (fragment)).$freeze())) ? $a : (($writer = [((("" + (path)) + "#") + (fragment)).$freeze(), (function() { try {
return $send(self, 'read_file', [path], (TMP_4 = function(lines){var self = TMP_4.$$s || this;
if (lines == null) lines = nil;
return self.$parse_reftext(lines, fragment)}, TMP_4.$$s = self, TMP_4.$$arity = 1, TMP_4))
return $send(self, 'read_file', [path], ($$3 = function(lines){var self = $$3.$$s || this;
if (lines == null) {
lines = nil;
return self.$parse_reftext(lines, fragment);}, $$3.$$s = self, $$3.$$arity = 1, $$3))
} catch ($err) {
if (Opal.rescue($err, [Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'StandardError')])) {e = $err;
if (Opal.rescue($err, [$$($nesting, 'StandardError')])) {e = $err;
try {

@@ -201,3 +193,3 @@

} catch ($returner) { if ($returner === Opal.returner) { return $returner.$v } throw $returner; }
}, TMP_Resolver_resolve_reftext_5.$$arity = 1);
}, $Resolver_resolve_reftext$2.$$arity = 1);
Opal.alias(self, "call", "resolve_reftext");

@@ -211,5 +203,5 @@ self.$protected();

Opal.defn(self, '$resolve_target_path', TMP_Resolver_resolve_target_path_7 = function $$resolve_target_path(target_path) {try {
Opal.def(self, '$resolve_target_path', $Resolver_resolve_target_path$4 = function $$resolve_target_path(target_path) {try {
var TMP_6, self = this, path = nil;
var $$5, self = this, path = nil;

@@ -219,36 +211,46 @@

if ($truthy(path)) {
} else {
} else {
return nil
$send(self.asciidoc_exts, 'each', [], (TMP_6 = function(extname){var self = TMP_6.$$s || this, filename = nil;
if (extname == null) extname = nil;
$send(self.asciidoc_exts, 'each', [], ($$5 = function(extname){var self = $$5.$$s || this, filename = nil;
if (extname == null) {
extname = nil;
filename = $rb_plus(path, extname);
if ($truthy(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'File')['$file?'](filename))) {
if ($truthy($$$('::', 'File')['$file?'](filename))) {
} else {
} else {
return nil
};}, TMP_6.$$s = self, TMP_6.$$arity = 1, TMP_6));
};}, $$5.$$s = self, $$5.$$arity = 1, $$5));
return nil;
} catch ($returner) { if ($returner === Opal.returner) { return $returner.$v } throw $returner; }
}, TMP_Resolver_resolve_target_path_7.$$arity = 1);
}, $Resolver_resolve_target_path$4.$$arity = 1);
Opal.defn(self, '$read_file', TMP_Resolver_read_file_9 = function $$read_file(path) {
var TMP_8, self = this, $iter = TMP_Resolver_read_file_9.$$p, $yield = $iter || nil;
Opal.def(self, '$read_file', $Resolver_read_file$6 = function $$read_file(path) {
var $$7, $iter = $Resolver_read_file$6.$$p, $yield = $iter || nil, self = this;
if ($iter) TMP_Resolver_read_file_9.$$p = null;
return $send(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'File'), 'open', [path], (TMP_8 = function(f){var self = TMP_8.$$s || this;
if (f == null) f = nil;
return Opal.yield1($yield, f.$each_line());}, TMP_8.$$s = self, TMP_8.$$arity = 1, TMP_8))
}, TMP_Resolver_read_file_9.$$arity = 1);
if ($iter) $Resolver_read_file$6.$$p = null;
return $send($$$('::', 'File'), 'open', [path], ($$7 = function(f){var self = $$7.$$s || this;
if (f == null) {
f = nil;
return Opal.yield1($yield, f.$each_line());;}, $$7.$$s = self, $$7.$$arity = 1, $$7))
}, $Resolver_read_file$6.$$arity = 1);
Opal.defn(self, '$parse_reftext', TMP_Resolver_parse_reftext_10 = function $$parse_reftext(input, fragment) {
Opal.def(self, '$parse_reftext', $Resolver_parse_reftext$8 = function $$parse_reftext(input, fragment) {
var self = this, title = nil, doc = nil, ref = nil;
if (fragment == null) {
fragment = nil;
if ($truthy(fragment)) {
} else {
} else {

@@ -265,33 +267,30 @@ title = self.$asciidoc_load(input.$take(10)).$doctitle();

return ref.$xreftext()
} else {
} else {
return nil
} else {
} else {
return doc.$doctitle()
}, TMP_Resolver_parse_reftext_10.$$arity = -2);
return (Opal.defn(self, '$asciidoc_load', TMP_Resolver_asciidoc_load_11 = function $$asciidoc_load(input) {
var $a, self = this;
}, $Resolver_parse_reftext$8.$$arity = -2);
return (Opal.def(self, '$asciidoc_load', $Resolver_asciidoc_load$9 = function $$asciidoc_load(input) {
var self = this;
if ($truthy(($truthy($a = input['$is_a?'](Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Enumerable'))) ? input['$respond_to?']("readlines")['$!']() : $a))) {
input.$singleton_class().$send("alias_method", "readlines", "to_a")};
return Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor').$load(input, self.document.$options());
}, TMP_Resolver_asciidoc_load_11.$$arity = 1), nil) && 'asciidoc_load';
return $$$('::', 'Asciidoctor').$load(input.$to_a(), self.document.$options())
}, $Resolver_asciidoc_load$9.$$arity = 1), nil) && 'asciidoc_load';
})($nesting[0], null, $nesting)
})(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
})($$($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
/* Generated by Opal 0.11.2 */
/* Generated by Opal */
Opal.modules["asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/processor"] = function(Opal) {
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $klass = Opal.klass, $send = Opal.send, $truthy = Opal.truthy, $hash2 = Opal.hash2;
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $$$ = Opal.const_get_qualified, $$ = Opal.const_get_relative, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice, $module = Opal.module, $klass = Opal.klass, $hash2 = Opal.hash2, $send = Opal.send, $truthy = Opal.truthy;
Opal.add_stubs(['$==', '$require', '$include?', '$send', '$new', '$instance_variable_set']);
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
} else {

@@ -303,32 +302,19 @@ };

return (function($base, $parent_nesting) {
var $InterdocReftext, self = $InterdocReftext = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var self = $module($base, 'InterdocReftext');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting);
(function($base, $super, $parent_nesting) {
function $Processor(){};
var self = $Processor = $klass($base, $super, 'Processor', $Processor);
var self = $klass($base, $super, 'Processor');
var def = self.$$proto, $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), TMP_Processor_initialize_1, TMP_Processor_process_2;
var $nesting = [self].concat($parent_nesting), $Processor_initialize$1, $Processor_process$2;
def.resolver_class = def.resolver_opts = nil;
self.$$prototype.resolver_class = self.$$prototype.resolver_opts = nil;
Opal.const_set($nesting[0], 'RESOLVER_VAR_NAME', "@_interdoc_reftext_resolver");
Opal.defn(self, '$initialize', TMP_Processor_initialize_1 = function $$initialize($kwargs) {
var self = this, resolver_class, resolver_opts, $iter = TMP_Processor_initialize_1.$$p, $yield = $iter || nil, $zuper = nil, $zuper_i = nil, $zuper_ii = nil;
Opal.def(self, '$initialize', $Processor_initialize$1 = function $$initialize($kwargs) {
var resolver_class, resolver_opts, $iter = $Processor_initialize$1.$$p, $yield = $iter || nil, self = this, $zuper = nil, $zuper_i = nil, $zuper_ii = nil;
if ($kwargs == null || !$kwargs.$$is_hash) {
if ($kwargs == null) {
$kwargs = $hash2([], {});
} else {
throw Opal.ArgumentError.$new('expected kwargs');
resolver_class = $kwargs.$$smap["resolver_class"];
if (resolver_class == null) {
resolver_class = Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Resolver')
resolver_opts = Opal.kwrestargs($kwargs, {'resolver_class': true});
if ($iter) TMP_Processor_initialize_1.$$p = null;
if ($iter) $Processor_initialize$1.$$p = null;
// Prepare super implicit arguments

@@ -339,14 +325,27 @@ for($zuper_i = 0, $zuper_ii = arguments.length, $zuper = new Array($zuper_ii); $zuper_i < $zuper_ii; $zuper_i++) {

$send(self, Opal.find_super_dispatcher(self, 'initialize', TMP_Processor_initialize_1, false), $zuper, $iter);
if ($kwargs == null) {
$kwargs = $hash2([], {});
} else if (!$kwargs.$$is_hash) {
throw Opal.ArgumentError.$new('expected kwargs');
resolver_class = $kwargs.$$smap["resolver_class"];
if (resolver_class == null) {
resolver_class = $$($nesting, 'Resolver')
resolver_opts = Opal.kwrestargs($kwargs, {'resolver_class': true});;
$send(self, Opal.find_super_dispatcher(self, 'initialize', $Processor_initialize$1, false), $zuper, $iter);
self.resolver_class = resolver_class;
self.resolver_opts = resolver_opts;
if ($truthy(Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Inline')['$include?'](Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'InlineNodeMixin')))) {
if ($truthy($$$($$$('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Inline')['$include?']($$($nesting, 'InlineNodeMixin')))) {
return nil
} else if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
return Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Inline').$send("include", Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'InlineNodeMixin'))
} else {
} else if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
return $$$($$$('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Inline').$send("include", $$($nesting, 'InlineNodeMixin'))
} else {
return nil
}, TMP_Processor_initialize_1.$$arity = -1);
return (Opal.defn(self, '$process', TMP_Processor_process_2 = function $$process(document) {
}, $Processor_initialize$1.$$arity = -1);
return (Opal.def(self, '$process', $Processor_process$2 = function $$process(document) {
var self = this, resolver = nil;

@@ -356,12 +355,12 @@

resolver = self.resolver_class.$new(document, self.resolver_opts);
document.$instance_variable_set(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RESOLVER_VAR_NAME'), resolver);
document.$instance_variable_set($$($nesting, 'RESOLVER_VAR_NAME'), resolver);
return nil;
}, TMP_Processor_process_2.$$arity = 1), nil) && 'process';
})($nesting[0], Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_qualified(Opal.const_get_qualified('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Extensions'), 'TreeProcessor'), $nesting)
})(Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
}, $Processor_process$2.$$arity = 1), nil) && 'process';
})($nesting[0], $$$($$$($$$('::', 'Asciidoctor'), 'Extensions'), 'TreeProcessor'), $nesting)
})($$($nesting, 'Asciidoctor'), $nesting);
/* Generated by Opal 0.11.2 */
/* Generated by Opal */
(function(Opal) {
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice;
var self =, $nesting = [], nil = Opal.nil, $$$ = Opal.const_get_qualified, $$ = Opal.const_get_relative, $breaker = Opal.breaker, $slice = Opal.slice;

@@ -372,5 +371,5 @@ Opal.add_stubs(['$require', '$==']);

if (Opal.const_get_relative($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
if ($$($nesting, 'RUBY_PLATFORM')['$==']("opal")) {
return nil
} else {
} else {
return nil

@@ -377,0 +376,0 @@ };

"name": "asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext",
"version": "0.4.1",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "Asciidoctor extension providing implicit (automatic) reference text (label) for inter-document cross references",

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ "author": "Jakub Jirutka <>",

"devDependencies": {
"asciidoctor.js": "~1.5.6"
"@asciidoctor/core": "~2.0.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"asciidoctor.js": "~1.5.6"
"@asciidoctor/core": "~2.0.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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