= Asciidoctor Inter-doc Reference Text
:source-language: shell
// custom
:gem-name: asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext
:gh-name: jirutka/{gem-name}
:gh-branch: master
:codacy-id: 7f60adeeb3fc49ee85863df2c65cd4eb
image:https://travis-ci.org/{gh-name}.svg?branch={gh-branch}[Build Status, link="https://travis-ci.org/{gh-name}"]
image:https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Coverage/{codacy-id}["Test Coverage", link="https://www.codacy.com/app/{gh-name}"]
image:https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/{codacy-id}["Codacy Code quality", link="https://www.codacy.com/app/{gh-name}"]
image:https://img.shields.io/gem/v/{gem-name}.svg?style=flat[Gem Version, link="https://rubygems.org/gems/{gem-name}"]
image:https://img.shields.io/npm/v/{gem-name}.svg?style=flat[npm Version, link="https://www.npmjs.org/package/{gem-name}"]
image:https://img.shields.io/badge/yard-docs-blue.svg[Yard Docs, link="http://www.rubydoc.info/github/{gh-name}/{gh-branch}"]
This project is an http://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] extension providing implicit (automatic) reference text (label) for inter-document cross references.
== Examples
When you define a cross reference to another document “other.adoc” without a label, e.g.:
Asciidoctor converts it into a plain link with the target document’s path as a text:
// GitHub doesn't render Example block as a box.
but this extensions converts it into:
link:other.html[Other Document]
where “Other Document” is a title of the other.adoc.
Similarly with cross reference to a section in another document, e.g.:
Asciidoctor converts it in the same way as above, but this extensions converts it into:
link:other.html#sec1[The First Section]
where “The First Section” is title of the section with id sec1 in other.adoc.
== Installation
=== Ruby
Install {gem-name} from Rubygems:
[source, subs="+attributes"]
gem install {gem-name}
or to install the latest development version:
[source, subs="+attributes"]
gem install {gem-name} --pre
=== Node.js
Install {gem-name} from npmjs.com:
[source, sh, subs="+attributes"]
npm install --save {gem-name}
== Usage
=== CLI
If you invoke Asciidoctor from command-line, use option -r
to load the extension:
[source, subs="+attributes"]
asciidoctor -r {gem-name} README.adoc
=== Ruby
Just require '{gem-name}'
However, if you don’t want the extension to be automatically registered in Asciidoctor, require 'asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/processor'
IMPORTANT: Bundler automatically requires all the specified gems.
To prevent it, use +
gem '{gem-name}', require: false
=== Node.js
[source, js, subs="+attributes"]
// Load asciidoctor.js and {gem-name}.
const asciidoctor = require('@asciidoctor/core')()
const interdocReftextExt = require('{gem-name}')
// See documentation at the end of this section.
const options = {
asciidocExts: ['.adoc'],
// Configure the extension and register it into the global registry.
interdocReftextExt.register(asciidoctor.Extensions, options)
// Convert the file to HTML.
If you don’t want to register the extension globally, you can also pass a custom registry to the register
[source, js]
// ...
const registry = asciidoctor.Extensions.create()
interdocReftextExt.register(registry, options)
const html = asciidoctor.convertFile('./README.adoc', {
'extension_registry': registry,
AsciiDoc file extensions (e.g. .adoc
Default is ['.adoc', '.asciidoc', '.ad']
Whether to raise exceptions (true
), or just log them (false
Default is true
== License
This project is licensed under http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/[MIT License].
For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[LICENSE] file.