Askless - server
:checkered_flag: Português (Portuguese)
Framework that facilitates building servers for JavaScript and Flutter Apps
allowing to:
:handshake: perform a websocket connection to exchange data that:
:vibration_mode: supports streams on the client side in Flutter
:computer: supports JavaScript clients: Web and Node.js
:arrow_right_hook: automatically retry sending data in case of connectivity issues between the client and server
:pencil2: create your own CRUD operations with the database you like (Create, Read, Update and Delete)
:no_entry: restrict client access to CRUD operations
:mega: notify in real time clients who are listening for changes in a route, you can choose:
:lock: accept and deny connection attempts
This is the server side in Node.js, check also the
Flutter client
or if you prefer the JavaScript client.
Important links
Getting Started
1 - Install
npm install --save askless
2 - Import the package
const askless = require("askless");
3 - Create and init the server
const server = new askless.AsklessServer();
projectName: 'tracking',
wsOptions : {
port : 3000
4 - Set the routes
where the client will
listen realtime data.
The example data that the client will listen is trackingStatus
let trackingStatus = '';
route: 'product/tracking',
read: async (context) => {
output: trackingStatus
5 - Set the routes
where the client will
create, remove and update data.
Call server.notifyClients(...)
when the data changes.
let customerSaidCounter = 0;
route: 'product/customerSaid',
create: (async (context) => {
trackingStatus = 'Customer said: "'+context.body + '" '+ (customerSaidCounter) + " times";
server.notifyClients('product/tracking', {
output: trackingStatus
6 - Start the server
7 - Simulating changes of trackingStatus
in the server
let kmRemaining = 101;
const kmRemainingTask = setInterval(() => {
if(kmRemaining == 0){
return clearInterval(kmRemainingTask);
trackingStatus = 'Product is '+kmRemaining+' km from you';
server.notifyClients('product/tracking', {
output: trackingStatus
}, 3 * 1000);
8 - Check what's your IPV4 address in the machine that your server is running.
It will be something like:
9 - Configure the client side in Flutter.
Feel free to open a issue about: