
What is in this library:
This library provides a parser to validate Path, Reference Path, and Payload Template expressions
for the Amazon States Language
The parser produces an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for the
expression if it's valid. Additional checks are performed if necessary to limit the operators
or presence of functions based on the context.
Samples from the spec
The expressions resemble JSONPath.
validate a single expression
expect(validatePath("$.library.movies", AslPathContext.REFERENCE_PATH)).toStrictEqual({
isValid: true,
register validators as AJV formats
Provides adapters to register as custom format validators for AJV.
The AJV schemas for the Step Functions are not provided here. See asl-validator for schemas.
See the provided unit tests for integrating. An example schema is defined to illustrate how to leverage AJV to invoke our custom validation.
beforeAll(() => {
ajv = new Ajv({
schemas: [example, payloadTemplateSchema],
allowUnionTypes: true,
it("should accept valid input", () => {
const input = loadDefinition("valid.json");
const result = ajv.validate(
How this is done
- leverage AJV to do schema validation (see asl-validator for the schemas)
- custom formatter validates the Path and Reference Path fields
- Payload Templates leverage patternProperties to validate fields ending in ".$"
- Generated parser from a PEG grammar provides the actual validation logic
Formal Definitions
The spec references a Java library for the syntax of the expressions.
The documentation for the referenced library has more functionality than is supported by the AWS Step Function runtimes.
Expression Feature | Path | Reference Path | Payload Template |
Simple dot notation or single predicate notation
$.library.movies | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
Use of operators that select multiple nodes via descent, wildcard, or a filter
.. @ , : ? * | :white_check_mark: | :x: | :white_check_mark: |
Intrinsic functions States.JsonToString($.foo) See below for the supported functions | :x: | :x: | :white_check_mark: |
Context Expressions
When a Path begins with "$$", two dollar signs, this signals that it is intended to identify content within the
Context Object. The first dollar sign is stripped, and the remaining text, which begins with a dollar sign,
is interpreted as the JSONPath applying to the Context Object.
Intrinsic Functions
These functions are available within the context of a Payload Template only.
The relevant fields to examine are Parameters and ResultSelector.
Intrinsic Function | Arguments | Comments |
States.Format | 1+ | arguments MAY contain one or more Path |
States.StringToJson | 1 | argument MAY be a Path |
States.JsonToString | 1 | argument MUST be a Path |
States.Array | 0+ | arguments MAY contain onr or more Path |
Filter Expressions and Operators
Filters are logical expressions used to filter arrays. A typical filter would be [?(@.age > 18)]
where @
the current item being processed.
Note that the comparison operators only work with numeric values in the AWS Data flow simulator
What fields should be validated
The table below includes all the fields within a Step Function that are validated.
See asl-validator 3.x branch or higher for schemas modeling ASL.
The schema provided here illustrate how to integrate and includes a recursive definition for the Payload Template context.
Step Function Field | Expression Type |
BooleanEqualsPath | Path |
HeartbeatSecondsPath | Reference Path |
InputPath | Path |
ItemsPath | Reference Path |
NumericEqualsPath | Path |
NumericGreaterThanPath | Path |
NumericLessThanEqualsPath | Path |
NumericLessThanPath | Path |
OutputPath | Path |
Parameters | Payload Template |
ResultPath | Reference Path |
ResultSelector | Payload Template |
SecondsPath | Reference Path |
StringEqualsPath | Path |
StringGreaterThanPath | Path |
StringGreaterThanEqualsPath | Path |
StringLessThanPath | Path |
StringLessThanEqualsPath | Path |
TimeoutSecondsPath | Reference Path |
TimestampEqualsPath | Path |
TimestampGreaterThanEqualsPath | Path |
TimestampGreaterThanPath | Path |
TimestampLessThanEqualsPath | Path |
TimestampPath | Reference Path |