This is a Node.js wrapper / plugin that makes using request easier with the asynquence library.
If you haven't heard of the asynquence library, you should check it out. It's like Promises on steroids.
Example usage
In order to avoid depending on any specific versions of request or asyncquence, this module does not directly depend on them. (To be technical, they are peerDependencies
.) You require them yourself and pass them into the module function like so:
ASQ = require 'asynquence'
request = require 'request'
require('asynquence-request')(ASQ, request)
This extends ASQ
with the following plugins which directly correspond to their request counterpart: get
, head
, post
, put
, patch
, del
. Here's a fictional example usage of a REST API:
ASQ = require 'asynquence'
request = require 'request'
# We can pass in a modified version of 'request' such as the kind returned by 'request.defaults'
req = request.defaults
baseUrl: ''
json: true
headers: 'Authorization': 'Bearer special-key'
require('asynquence-request')(ASQ, req)
# You can either pass in a request options literal...
url: 'pet'
id: 42
name: "doggie"
.val (response, body) ->
console.log "Created pet with id: #{}"
# Or you can pass in a function that will return a request options literal.
.del (id) -> "pet/#{id}"
# Every request returns two parameters: response and body
.then (done, response, body) ->
console.log "HTTP Status: #{response.statusCode}"
setTimeout done, 1000
.get "pet/42"
# HTTP Errors (status codes >= 400) conveniently throw an error for you
.or (err) ->
if is "404 Error"
console.log "Who deleted Fido?!?!"
console.log err.stack
- cookie jar
- more unit tests