yet another experimental small DOM component library, <2kb
• Why • API • License
- experimenting on different APIs to find the minimal helpers required for
- dynamic nodes, elements and lists
- one way data flow from root component to child nodes
- multiple dynamic lists within the same parent
- svg and namespace support
- ability to inject a
document API
for server use and/or testing (e.g. jsdom
) - no virtual DOM, all operations are done on actual nodes
- 1 kb gzip, no dependencies
- Designed for older browsers, low memory requirement and no transpilation required
- view and event helpers only
- limited css utility
- strictly DOM element creation and manipulation (no router, no store)
Elements (hyperscript)
el(tagName [, attributes[, updater [,children]]] ): HTMLElement
svg(tagName [, attributes[, updater [,children]]] ): SVGElement
attributes: {name: value}
updater: function(Node, [*], [*], [*]):Node
children: {number|string|Node|Array<children>}
Helper Function
update: function(Node, [*], [*], [*]):Node
Updates a node with the provided updater defined on creation
updateChildren: function(ParentNode, [*], [*], [*]):ParentNode
Updates all children nodes of a parenta node with the provided updater defined on creation
list(nodeFactory [, getKey]): CommentNode
nodeFactory: function([*], [*], [*]): Node
getKey: function([*], [number], [Array]): string
list creates a Comment Node
that will be followed by a variable number of Nodes upon update with an array.
Server use
Document can be injected as follow:
const root = require('attodom/root')
root.document = myDocumentObject
MIT © Hugo Villeneuve