Automated compilation and deployment to gh-pages
Here are examples of github repositories that take advantage of autopages, and the servers that power them.
- This repository :)
- every time the
or autopages
branch is updated, the gh-pages
branch is redeployed automatically - The templates are stored in the autopages branch
- This line in
tells autopages to parse the most recent readme file on each commit - The files are compiled and output to the
branch, which is hosted at - using this server
- White Film website
- powered by this autopages implementation
- Uses autopages as a lightweight cms, for example, all the films in the
branch are parsed and inserted into the final html files. - Output to
This project is meant to be self hosted on Heroku or similar, so that you maintain control over
who has push access to your repositories.
In general it assumes convention over configuration to make the setup process as painless as possible.
There are two types of github pages repositories. For each of them it assumes that three branches exist:
- input branch
- tranformation branch
- output branch
input branch
This is dynamic content that is going to be displayed on your github pages. For example,
if your project is a blog, it would include blog posts. If it is a software library, it
would be the code and readme (you can choose to display -- perhaps just the readme -- in the tranformation branch).
transformation branch
This looks like a static client side website. It should follow this folder structure
$ tree
├── images
│ └── logo.png
├── js
│ └── app.js
├── stylesheets
│ └── app.scss
└── templates
└── index.jade
although can be significantly more complex than this. This is discussed later.
output branch
This is where the compiled static site go. Autopages will automatically commit and push this branch back to github
every time there is a new commit on the input branch or the transformation branch.
<username> repos
For repos in the <username>
style, the following branch name conventions are enforced:
- input branch:
- transformation branch:
- output branch:
all other repos
Any other repos will follow the convention of
- input branch:
- transformation branch:
- output branch:
short version
fork mathisonian-autopages and update it to watch your repositories.
longer version
Install the module with: npm install autopages
. You can create a new repo for this and in the main file write
var Autopages = require('autopages');
var autopages = new Autopages('GITHUB_API_KEY');
.then(function(processor) {
Thats it. Then, deploy it to heroku, and on heroku set the environmental variable URL
so that
it knows where to tell github to point a new webhook to.
Out of the box autopages works with the following stack
- jade templates
- scss stylesheets
- vanilla javascript
and will handle deploying custom fonts and images as well. If you want to use
different software, this can be acheived through plugins.
Anyone can write a plugin for autopages. For example, see
Plugins are based on gulp tasks, and are expected to be in the format like this:
GULP_TASK_NAME: function(inputPath, outputPath) {
return /* return the gulp task here.*/
autopages will handle passing in the correct input and output paths to your function.
Available Plugins
Please submit a PR if you publish a plugin
More documentation coming soon. In the meantime feel free to contact the author.
Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Conlen. Licensed under the MIT license.