AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for LocalStack
This project provides a thin wrapper script for using the AWS CDK library against local APIs provided by LocalStack.
Note: This project replaces the old (deprecated) repo which was a fork of the AWS CDK repo. Instead of forking the repo and applying changes, we now simply provide a simple wrapper script cdklocal
which applies runtime patching. The advantage of the new approach is that you should be able to use arbitrary CDK versions under the cover.
Quick Installation
The cdklocal
command line is published as an npm library:
$ npm install aws-cdk-local
$ cdklocal --version
The following environment variables can be configured:
: Port under which LocalStack edge service is accessible (default: 4566
: Target host under which LocalStack edge service is accessible (default: localhost
Deploying a Sample App
The CDK command line ships with a sample app generator to run a quick test for getting started:
$ mkdir /tmp/test; cd /tmp/test
$ cdklocal init sample-app --language=javascript
Make sure that LocalStack is installed and started up with the required services:
$ SERVICES=serverless,sqs,sns localstack start
Then deploy the sample app against the local APIs via the cdklocal
command line:
$ cdklocal deploy
Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)? y
Stack ARN:
Once the deployment is done, you can inspect the created resources via the awslocal
command line:
$ awslocal sns list-topics
"Topics": [
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:TestStack-TestTopic339EC197-79F43WWCCS4Z"
The AWS CDK is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.