If you are using AWS ECR to store your docker images and those images have labels in the semver format then you can use this tool to query AWS (assuming you are already authenticated) retrieve the list of valid semver labels and the one that satisfies a semver pattern.
Consider installing this globally for ease of use.
npm install -g aws-ecr-semver
Usage: index.js [options] [command]
help Display help
-h, --help Output usage information
-r, --repo The name of the repository in the registry to query for labels.
-s, --semver The semver comparator to use to pick the correct label
-v, --version Output the version number
The command outputs to stdout json formated data for the semver valid labels and the maximum label satisfying the semver pattern provided.
This example fails to match on the provided semver pattern and shows the single existing valid semver label present in the 'my-repo' registry.
aws-ecr-semver -r="my-repo" -s=^2.*
Run them with the command:
npm test
- Mock out the AWS components to enable more tests to be written.
These interactions have been tested manually so far.
Please feel free to submit PRs, but if you do please try to add a test for your new feature.)