Babel plugin for sass-extract.
Require sass files and get an object containing extracted sass variables. Supports require()
and import
Note that this is an early prototype.
You need to install the sass compiler, sass-extract and the plugin since they are all peer dependencies.
npm install --save node-sass sass-extract babel-plugin-sass-extract
const styleVariables = require('./styles.scss');
import styleVariables from './styles.scss';
node-sass >= 3.8.0
node >= 4
Running tests
npm test
In order to have readable commit messages and the ability to generate a changelog the commit messages should follow a certain structure.
To make it easier install npm install -g commitizen
and commit using git-cz
Generate changelog using npm install -g conventional-changelog
and npm run changelog
Releasing new versions
- Make changes
- Commit those changes
- Set new version in package.json
npm run changelog
- Commit package.json and files
- Tag
- Push