BackboneMongo provides MongoDB storage for BackboneORM.
Because BackboneORM's query language is based on MongoDB's query language, many queries just work! With a twist...Backbone.ORM provides cross-collection relationships and embedded data for MongoDB.
In addition, BackboneMongo using CouchDB-style '_rev' versioning to ensure coherency of data.
Examples (CoffeeScript)
class Change extends Backbone.Model
model_name: 'Change'
sync: require('backbone-orm').sync(Change)
class Task extends Backbone.Model
urlRoot: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/tasks'
project: -> ['belongsTo', Project]
changes: -> ['hasMany', Change, embed: true]
sync: require('backbone-mongo').sync(Task)
class Project extends Backbone.Model
urlRoot: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/projects'
tasks: -> ['hasMany', Task]
changes: -> ['hasMany', Change, embed: true]
sync: require('backbone-mongo').sync(Project)
Examples (JavaScript)
var Change = Backbone.Model.extend({
model_name: 'Change',
Task.prototype.sync = require('backbone-orm').sync(Change);
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/tasks',
schema: {
project: function() { return ['belongsTo', Project]; }
changes: function() { return ['hasMany', Change, {embed: true}]; }
Task.prototype.sync = require('backbone-mongo').sync(Task);
var Project = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/projects',
schema: {
tasks: function() { return ['hasMany', Task]; }
changes: function() { return ['hasMany', Change, {embed: true}]; }
Project.prototype.sync = require('backbone-mongo').sync(Project);
Please checkout the website for installation instructions, examples, documentation, and community!
For Contributors
To build the library for Node.js:
$ gulp build
Please run tests before submitting a pull request:
$ gulp test --quick
and eventually all tests:
$ npm test