BackboneORM was designed to provide a consistent, polystore ORM across Node.js and the browser.
It was inspired by other great software and provides:
- Node.js-style callbacks and streams for a familiar asynchronous programming style
- MongoDB-like query language to easily slice-and-dice your data
- a REST controller enabling browser search bar queries and an optional paging format like CouchDB
Other great things:
- it provides a JSON-rendering DSL
- it solves the dreaded Node.js circular dependencies problem for related models
- it is compatible with Knockback.js
- it parses ISO8601 dates automatically
- BackboneMongo provides a CouchDB-like '_rev' versioning solution
- BackboneREST provides authorization middleware hooks and emits REST events
Out of the box, BackboneORM comes packaged with a memory store. Other modules:
Examples (CoffeeScript)
# Find the Project with id = 123
Project.findOne {id: 123}, (err, project) ->
# Find the first Project named 'my kickass project'
Project.findOne {name: 'my kickass project'}, (err, project) ->
# Find all items with is_active = true
Project.find {is_active: true}, (err, projects) ->
# Find the items with an id of 1, 2 or 3
Project.find {id: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}, (err, projects) ->
# A shortcut for `$in` when we're working with ids
Project.find {$ids: [1, 2, 3]}, (err, projects) ->
# Find active items in pages
Project.find {is_active: true, $limit: 10, $offset: 20}, (err, projects) ->
# Select named properties from each model
Project.find {$select: ['created_at', 'name']}, (err, array_of_json) ->
# Select values in the specified order
Project.find {$values: ['created_at', 'status']}, (err, array_of_arrays) ->
# Find active items in pages using cursor syntax (Models or JSON)
Project.cursor({is_active: true}).limit(10).offset(20).toModels (err, projects) ->
Project.cursor({is_active: true}).limit(10).offset(20).toJSON (err, projects_json) ->
# Find completed tasks in a project
project.cursor('tasks', {status: 'completed'}).sort('name').toModels (err, tasks) ->
# Iterate through all items with is_active = true in batches of 200
Project.each {is_active: true, $each: {fetch: 200}},
((project, callback) -> console.log "project: #{project.get('name')}"; callback()),
(err) -> console.log 'Done'
# Stream all items with is_active = true in batches of 200
Project.stream({is_active: true, $each: {fetch: 200}})
.pipe(new ModelStringifier())
.on('finish', -> console.log 'Done')
# Collect the status of tasks over days
stats = []
Task.interval {$interval: {key: 'created_at', type: 'days', length: 1}},
((query, info, callback) ->
histogram = new Histogram()
Task.stream(_.extend(query, {$select: ['created_at', 'status']}))
.on('finish', -> stats.push(histogram.summary()); callback())
(err) -> console.log 'Done'
Examples (JavaScript)
Project.findOne({id: 123}, function(err, project) {});
Project.findOne({name: 'my kickass project'}, function(err, project) {});
Project.find({is_active: true}, function(err, projects) {});
Project.find({id: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}, function(err, projects) {});
Project.find({$ids: [1, 2, 3]}, function(err, projects) {});
Project.find({is_active: true, $limit: 10, $offset: 20}, function(err, projects) {});
Project.find({$select: ['created_at', 'name']}, function(err, array_of_json) {});
Project.find({$values: ['created_at', 'status']}, function(err, array_of_arrays) {});
Project.cursor({is_active: true}).limit(10).offset(20).toModels function(err, projects) {});
Project.cursor({is_active: true}).limit(10).offset(20).toJSON function(err, projects_json) {});
project.cursor('tasks', {status: 'completed'}).sort('name').toModels function(err, tasks) {});
Project.each({is_active: true, $each: {fetch: 200}},
function(project, callback) {console.log('project: ' + project.get('name')); callback()},
function(err) {return console.log('Done');}
Project.stream({is_active: true, $each: {fetch: 200}})
.pipe(new ModelStringifier())
.on('finish', function() {return console.log('Done');});
var stats = [];
Task.interval({$interval: {key: 'created_at', type: 'days', length: 1}},
function(query, info, callback) {
var histogram = new Histogram()
Task.stream(_.extend(query, {$select: ['created_at', 'status']}))
.on('finish', function() {stats.push(histogram.summary()); return callback();});
function(err) { return console.log('Done'); }
Please checkout the website for installation instructions, examples, documentation, and community!
For Contributors
To build the library for Node.js and browsers:
$ gulp build
Please run tests before submitting a pull request:
$ gulp test --quick
and eventually all tests:
$ npm test