Make your Backbone.js apps dance!

About Marionette
Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that
aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications.
It is a collection of common design and implementation patterns found in
the applications that I (Derick Bailey) have been building with Backbone,
and includes various pieces inspired by composite application architectures,
such as Microsoft's "Prism" framework.
App Architecture On Backbone's Building Blocks
Backbone provides a great set of building blocks for our JavaScript
applications. It gives us the core constructs that are needed to build
small apps, organize jQuery DOM events, or create single page apps that
support mobile devices and large scale enterprise needs. But Backbone is
not a complete framework. It's a set of building blocks. It leaves
much of the application design, architecture and scalability to the
developer, including memory management, view management, and more.
Marionette brings an application architecture to Backbone, along with
built in view management and memory management. It's designed to be a
lightweight and flexible library of tools that sits on top of Backbone,
providing the framework for building a scalable application.
Like Backbone itself, you're not required to use all of Marionette just
because you want to use some of it. You can pick and choose which features
you want to use. This allows you to work with other Backbone
frameworks and plugins easily. It also means that you are not required
to engage in an all-or-nothing migration to begin using Marionette.
Key Benefits
- Scalable: applications are built in modules, and with event-driven architecture
- Sensible defaults: Underscore templates are used for view rendering
- Easily modifiable: make it work with your application's specific needs
- Reduce boilerplate for views, with specialized view types
- Build on a modular architecture with an
and modules that attach to it - Compose your application's visuals at runtime, with the
and Layout
objects - Nested views and layouts within visual regions
- Built-in memory management and zombie-killing in views, regions and layouts
- Event-driven architecture with
- Flexible, "as-needed" architecture allowing you to pick and choose what you need
- And much, much more
Source Code and Downloads
You can download the latest builds directly from the "lib" folder above.
For more information about the files in this folder, or to obtain an archive
containing all Marionette dependencies (including Underscore, Backbone, etc.),
please visit the downloads section on the website.
Available Packages
Marionette is unofficially available from various package
management systems, such as RubyGems, Node Package Manager,
Nuget, etc. These packages are maintained by the community
and are not part of the core Backbone.Marionette code.
Release Notes And Upgrade Guide
Changelog: For change logs and release notes, see the
changelog file.
Upgrade Guide: Be sure to read the upgrade guide
for information on upgrading to the latest version of Marionette.
The primary documentation is split up into multiple files, due to the size
of the overall documentation. You can find these files in the
/docs folder, or use the links below to get straight to the
documentation for each piece of Marionette.
Annotated Source Code
In addition to this readme, I've commented the source code quite
heavily and run it through Docco as part of my build process.
This produces a nicely formatted, annotated source code as a documentation
You can read the annotations for all the details of how Marionette works, and advice on which methods to override.
Marionette Configuration
Marionette provides a few globally configurable settings, such as which
DOM library to use (jQuery by default). You can find out more about which
settings will change Marionette in the configuration
Marionette's Pieces
These are the strings that you can pull to make your puppet dance.
If you're looking for an introduction and/or
examples on how to get started, please visit the Wiki.
- Marionette.ItemView: A view that renders a single item
- Marionette.CollectionView: A view that iterates over a collection, and renders individual
instances for each model - Marionette.CompositeView: A collection view and item view, for rendering leaf-branch/composite model hierarchies
- Marionette.Layout: A view that renders a layout and creates region managers to manage areas within it
- Marionette.View: The base View type that other Marionette views extend from (not intended to be used directly)
- Marionette.Behavior: an encapsulated
interaction layer that can be mixed into any view
, helping to DRY up your view code. - Marionette.Behaviors: A helper class to glue your behaviors to your views.
View Management
Application Infrastructure
Object-Messaging Infrastructure
Deprecated Items
- [→] Backbone.EventBinder: Deprecated w/ Backbone v0.9.9 and higher. An event binding manager for Backbone v0.9.2, to facilitate binding and unbinding of events
The Wiki: Sample Apps, Tutorials, and Much More
A wiki is an important aspect of a thriving community, as it provides
a place for the community to contribute ideas, examples, answer
frequently asked questions, and more. If you're looking for
community-driven information, examples that go beyond the
dry technical documentation, or want to contribute your own
ideas and examples to the community, please see the wiki page.
Compatibility and Requirements
MarionetteJS currently works with the following libraries:
Marionette has not been tested against any other versions of these
libraries. You may or may not have success if you use a version other
than what it listed here.
While support for Zepto and EnderJS has been added, it is not officially
tested against these libraries at this time.
Deferred/Promise Objects
Marionette makes use of jQuery's Deferred
objects and, as such, will need supported methods in replacement libraries.
Zepto users can use @Mumakil's Standalone-Deferred
or @sudhirj's simply-deferred.
EnderJS users, please let us know of how you solve any compatibility issues.
Marionette no longer relies on Backbone.EventBinder.
Backbone.Events, as of v0.9.9, supersedes this library with its
and stopListening
methods. See the upgrade guide
for more information.
Marionette needs your support, but not everyone can offer assistance
with code, bug submissions, and answering questions. If you're using
Marionette and you're finding that it is saving you as much time and
effort as I believe it does, then please consider financial support
for the project.
Please see the footer of
for links to donate.
How to Contribute
If you would like to contribute to Marionette's source code, please read
the guidelines for pull requests and contributions.
Following these guidelines will help make your contributions easier to
bring into the next release.
Help is Just a Click Away
#Marionette on IRC
Join the #marionette
channel on to ask questions and get help.
Get announcements for new releases, share your projects and ideas that are
using Marionette, and join in open-ended discussion that does not fit in
to the Github issues list or StackOverflow Q&A.
For help with syntax, specific questions on how to implement a feature
using Marionette, and other Q&A items, use StackOverflow.
Ask questions about using Marionette in specific scenarios, with
specific features. For example, help with syntax, understanding how a feature works and
how to override that feature to do what you need or how to organize the
different view types to work best with your applications needs.
Questions on StackOverflow often turn in to blog posts and wiki entries.
Report issues with Marionette, submit pull requests to fix problems, or to
create summarized and documented feature requests (preferably with pull
requests that implement the feature).
Please don't ask questions or seek help in the issues list. There are
other, better channels for seeking assistance, like StackOverflow and the
Google Groups mailing list.
Lastly, I blog about Marionette on a regular basis, at my blog.
Legal Mumbo Jumbo (MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Derick Bailey; Muted Solutions, LLC
Distributed under MIT license.