Backbase Launchpad
CLI development tool for widgets / modules
Name | bb-lp-cli |
Bundle | tools |
Status | node >=0.12.x < 5.0.x |
Dev - Server
npm i bb-lp-cli -g
Using bblp as binary.
Check all the available commands that you can use.
bblp --help
Check command help
bblp <command> --help
Clone a git repository template. Default is using widget-ng-template
- template Can be a git repository url or a local folder.
- -i --processImages Process images by template engine. Images are excluded by default (they will be added to destination folder 'as it is').
bblp generate <template>
- default template is pointing to
Start local development brwserSync server on http://localhost:3000/.
- -a --apiVersion Add version to server route from the raml version files. Default version is not included.
- -p --port Server port
- -l --logLevel Log level information info | silent
- info is the default setting
- silent will disable linting and notifications
- debug/warn/ TODO
- --template Template to use for standalone mode.
is the default. You can provide a custom path. - -d --deploy Deploy item into a running portal (see bblp deploy).
- -e --expand Expand js, css assets (don't minify them)
bblp start [-a] [-p3030] [-l silent] [--template cxp] [-i] [-e]
Tests the widget / module using karma test runner and PhantomJS.
- -w --watch Watch test files and source files
- -c --coverage With coverage
- --browsers A comma separated list of browsers to launch and capture
--browsers Firefox,Chrome,Safari
- --config Custom karma configuration file
- --moduleDirectories A comma separated list of the shared components
--moduleDirectories 'target/bower_components'
bblp test
bblp test -c --browsers Firefox,Chrome --moduleDirectories '../../portal/myportal/statics/dist/itemRoot/static/features/[BBHOST]','target/bower_components'
Bundle the widget/module.
- - f --fulltest with unit tests and linting
- - t --withTemplates Bundle HTML templates into build file (for widgets)
- - m --withModuleId Build with AMD module ID in definition. Default true
- - c --withConfig Build with config using path from arguments
- - e --withCustomEntry Build using specified custom entry point (works with excludes)
- - x --withExcludes Exclude components from main file due to specified as an argument excludes array
- - p --withPerformance Build with performance annotations converted into performance module API calls
- --moduleDirectories A comma separated list of the shared components
--moduleDirectories 'target/bower_components'
bblp build
with moduleDirectories
bblp build --moduleDirectories '../../portal/myportal/statics/dist/itemRoot/static/features/[BBHOST]','target/bower_components'
Compile & build styles:
Some convention is required to compile styles files (less, scss, css). The name of the main file should be named as:
- styles/base.less (for less file)
- styles/index.scss (for scss file)
- styles/index.css (will be minified)
With custom configuration:
- config path to config file for components management. E.g.
bblp build -c ./my-conf.json
If config contains entryPoint and excludes whey are going to be used instead of corresponding arguments. Here is the config example for UI module:
"entryPoint": "./scripts/custom-ui.js",
"excludes": [
excludes Array of components to exclude. Please note, that if custom entry point isn't specified current main is used.
Usage example: bblp build -x touch,color-picker,focus
entryPoint name of entry point file. It is used to create custom entry point due to the excludes array and corresponding dest file.
Usage example: bblp build -ex touch,color-picker,focus ./scripts/my-custom-dist-file.js
Custom build [DEP] - will be revisited
bblp custom-build <config>
- - t --withTemplates Bundle HTML templates into build file (for widgets)
- - u --useUnminified Build with unminified scripts
- - v --useDist Flag to turn on/off webpack output
- - p --withPerformance Build with performance annotations converted into performance module API calls
Custom build is aimed at reducing number of scripts on a page. It combines several widgets and their dependencies into a single bundle using configuration. As a result you'll get the bundle and custom requirejs config which defines paths to concatenated widgets and dependencies.
- config - path to config file for components customization
Here is the config example:
"dist": "./bundles",
"base": "launchpad",
"componentBase": "bower_components",
"componentMain": "scripts/main.js",
"componentDistModule": "dist/scripts/main",
"bundles": {
"login-page": {
"widgets": [
"customComponents": {
"ui": {
"excludes": [
"externals": ["angular", {"name": "jquery", "value": "jQuery"}],
"bundlesConfigPath": "./config/bundles-conf.js"
Config description:
(String) - path to bundles destination folder;config.componentBase
(String) - path to used components;config.componentMain
(String) - path to main script file;config.componentDistModule
(String) - path to destination main file;config.bundles
(Object) - set of bundles configuration;config.bundle[NAME]
(String) NAME is a bundle identifier wich is used to create chunk;config.bundle[NAME].widgets
(Array) - array of widget names which are going to be used as an entry points;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents
(Object) - set of customised components;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents[CNAME]
(String) CNAME is a name of customised component;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents[CNAME].excludes
(Array) - Array of components to exclude;config.externals
(Array) - exterlan libraries array. Values can be both "String" and {"name": "libName", "value": "libGlobalName"} objects. If value is a String - module name is going to be used as a global name for the dependency, overwise passed value is going to be used;config.bundlesConfigPath
(String) - path to require config output.
Bump version in package.json, model.xml, bower.json, and
NOTE if a version property is not found in model.xml file will be created
VERSION Semver compliant major [X.x.x], minor [x.X.x] or patch [x.x.X]
[MESSAGE] Optional bump message
--suffix - Prerelease suffix name EX. .pre, .beta, .rc, Default .pre
--changelog - CHANGELOG file name Default
bblp bump minor [increment] "Some relevant message"
Generating different types of documentation.
--api Generate API reference MarkDown in the docs folder. Based on JSDoc annotations. Default
--services Generate reference MarkDown and HTML files in the docs/services folder. based on RAML 0.8 specifications. Optional you can pass the domain name.
Basic Usage:
bblp docs
bblp docs --services
Use conventional commit messaged. Default will run git commit.
bblp commit
How to add your commit convention adapter.
npm i cz-conventional-changelog -D
... configure it after inside the package.json
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
Register package to launchpad registry endpoints
bower -
npm -
- manager npm or bower. Default to bower.
- --registry Custom registry endpoint
bblp register [npm]
Unregister package to launchpad registry endpoints
- manager npm or bower. Default to bower.
- --registry Custom registry endpoint
- - f --force - 'use the force' npm functionality.
bblp unregister [npm] [-f]
Theme Build
Builds a theme.
Requires a bower.json file in the directory with a "main" pointing to the base less file
bblp theme build
- entry Path to directory to build.
- collection Pass collection variable to less.
- base-path Pass base-path var to less.
- sourcemaps Whether to generate source maps.
- w, watch Watch less files and rebuild on change.
- disable-compress Don't compress CSS into .min files.
- disable-ie Don't create reworked .ie files for IE8.
- disable-assets Don't collect font/image assets.
- d, deploy Run bblp deploy after building.
bblp theme build retail [-w --disable-compress -d]
Deploy a package into a running portal.
bblp deploy [--all]
- --all Deploy all bower & npm dependencies before deploying local package.
The config for connecting to the portal is obtained by merging multiple configuration files by
this order of importance:
Local .bbrc files upwards the directory tree
All .bbrc files upwards the directory tree
.bbrc file located in user's home folder (~)
The default config is:
"scheme": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "7777",
"context": "portalserver",
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
When used through bblp start -d
it will initially deploy all packages (including bower and
npm dependencies), then watch just the local package and re-deploy on any changes.
Configuration under the bower.json or package.json file
This is the default config structure if is not specified otherwise in bower.json file
"config": {
"paths" : {
"scripts": "./scripts",
"docs": "./docs",
"target": "./dist",
"templates": "./templates",
"styles": "./styles",
"test": "./test",
"reports": "./reports",
"index": "./index-dev.html"
"data": {
"route": "",
"files": [
"proxies": {
"eslint": "configs/eslint.conf.yaml",
"karma": "configs/karma.conf.yaml"
Extending configurations:
By default the cli is looking for an configs folder in the root folder of the app. Possible extensions are on karma options:
Example karma.conf.yaml
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Chrome
Example eslint.conf.yaml
eqeqeq: 0
curly: 2
- 2
- "double"
NODE_ENV=production bblp test -c
YAML configuration is preferred format but you can also opt for a .json
The same is possible also for eslint options:
IMPORTANT TO NOTE the file name needs to be karma.conf.yaml
and eslint.conf.yaml
. If you prefer a different name then you can set it up in the bower.json config
"karma": "configs/karma.configuration.yaml"
- add the webpack extension support
Develop & Contributing
Clone and link the repository
git clone && cd bb-lp-cli && npm link
Use the develop branch
npm install backbase/bb-lp-cli
Publish a beta version
git tag x.x.x-beta.0
git tag push --tags
npm login
npm publish --tags beta
npm info
Q. How can i disable some folders, file, or rules from being linted?
A. They are two options: Global and Inline.
1. Global: use a `.eslintignore` file in the root of the project and specify that to ignore, for ex:
# Ignore scripts but not the main file
2. Inline: using a comment inside of your JavaScript file, use the following format
/*eslint-disable */
Adding environments paths for python
- node: 0.12.x, 4.0.0
- npm: 2.x 3.x
- node: 0.12.x, 4.1.x
- npm: 2.14.x
Important Notes
The cli uses node-gyp
You will also need to install:
On Unix:
recommended, v3.x.x
is not supported)make
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC
On Mac OS X:
recommended, v3.x.x
is not supported) (already installed on Mac OS X)- Xcode
- You also need to install the
Command Line Tools
via Xcode. You can find this under the menu Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
- This step will install
and the related toolchain containing make
On Windows:
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x86
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x64
If you have multiple Python versions installed, you can identify which Python
version node-gyp
uses by setting the '--python' variable:
$ node-gyp --python /path/to/python2.7
If node-gyp
is called by way of npm
and you have multiple versions of
Python installed, then you can set npm
's 'python' config key to the appropriate
$ npm config set python /path/to/executable/python2.7
Note that OS X is just a flavour of Unix and so needs python
, make
, and C/C++.
An easy way to obtain these is to install XCode from Apple,
and then use it to install the command line tools (under Preferences -> Downloads).
Check node-gyp project for more info.