###better HSV
HSV is an abbreviation to hue, saturation and value.
HSV calculate value which means the lightness of color by get the max value of r, g, b of the color.
It's a HSV color bar where each color has the equality saturation and value in HSV. But it's obviously to find that the lightness is not always equality.

For example, here are two colors with a HEX format: '#AACC99' and '#88CC00', the HSV values of both colors are 0xCC. It's the reason for the color bar above.
And this is a color bar by my better hsv.

* transform the origin hsv
* @param r g b, integer, 0~255
* @return for instarnce: 'FFBB90', string
* transform by better hsv
* @param r g b, integer, 0~255
* @return for instarnce: 'FFBB90', string
//rgb2str(0xcc, 0xab, 0x80)
//return '#CCAB80'