Painless streaming binary protocol parsers using generators.
npm install binary-parse-stream
var BinaryParseStream = require('binary-parse-stream')
, One = BinaryParseStream.One
BinaryParseStream is a TransformStream that consumes buffers and outputs objects on the other end.
It expects your sublcass to implement a _parse
method that is a generator.
When your generator yields a number, it'll be fed a buffer of that length from the input.
If it yields the special One
object, it'll be given the value of the first byte.
When your generator returns, the return value will be pushed to the output side.
The following module parses a protocol that consists of a 32-bit unsigned big-endian type parameter, an unsigned 8-bit length parameter, and a buffer of the specified length.
It outputs {type, buf}
var BinaryParseStream = require('binary-parse-stream')
, One = BinaryParseStream.One
, inherits = require('util').inherits
module.exports = SillyProtocolParseStream
function SillyProtocolParseStream(options) {, options)
SillyProtocolParseStream.prototype._parse = function*() {
var type = (yield 4).readUInt32BE(0, true)
, length = yield One
, buf = yield length
return { type: type, buf: buf }