An extremely basic self-hosted RSS reader.
Given an array of feed URLs, it collects the 20 most recent entries from each and concatenates them in order of publish date. It then renders some information about them in a static front page. By default, it reloads articles on each page load.
Download the source using git and install dependencies using npm:
$ git clone garbados/bird-feeder
$ cd bird-feeder
$ npm install
Now edit config.json
to contain the feed URLs you want to follow:
$ nano config.json
"feedUrls": [
Now start the server:
$ npm start
Now listening on port 3000
You can also add the bird-feeder
command to your $PATH
with npm:
$ npm link
$ bird-feeder -h
Start the feed server
bin.js start Start the feed server [default] [aliases: serve]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--port, -p Port for the server to listen on. [default: 3000]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
After installing dependencies, run the test suite with npm:
$ npm install
$ npm test
Here's a one-liner for checking test coverage:
$ npx nyc npm test
To report bugs or request features, file an issue. If you want to merge code, file a pull request. I reserve sole discretion for the moderation of this project.