Block File Libary
Apology for API changes
I offer my applogies to anyone actually using this library between 1.0.x
and 1.1.x . I've come to the belief that I should not use the promise based
API. I asthetically like promises, but promises come with the problem of
versus setImmediate
. I even considered a hybrid approach
with a queue of tasks executing a fixed number of tasks each process.nextTick
But that is for another day (and debugging head aches). So block-file
promises via setImmediate
turns out to be much slower that of block-file
with async (just running time npm test
is 33 seconds with promises and 23
seconds with async). Additionally the async API can be easily converted to
a promise API via Y.promisify
aka Y.nfbind
or Y.denodify
(or simmilar
functions in other promise libraries).
I have plans for a 2.0 version which will make this library more
"transaction-capable". What that means I haven't quite figured out. But
the idea is to write a log of changes to a BlockFile/Segments and only
commit them when directed to. Any failed commit (via crash) can be re-tried
to regain a vaild state.
A library to allocate, free, read, and write fixed size blocks in a file.
Blocks are addressed by 32bit or 64bit "handles". The blocks can be any
power of 2 size, but is fixed when you create a BlockFile.
Handles can indicate a contiguous set of blocks. Again, how many blocks
exist it a span is a power of 2 number.
All the async functions return promises from the ya-promise
npm module (a
Promise/A+ library).
BlockFile, [props], cb)`
Where cb
has the signature cb(err, bf)
. and bf
is the block-file obect., function(err, bf){
Where cb
has the signature cb(err)
., function(err, bf){
if (err) throw err
return bf.close(function(err){
if (err) throw err
console.log("%s closed", filename)
}), [handle], cb)
Where cb
has the signature cb(err, handle)
. If node handle
is provided
as an argument to
then a new handle
is allocated. The callback
contains to handle
of where the buffer
was stored., function(err, handle){
}), handle, function(err, handle){
bf.load(handle, cb)
bf.load(handle, function(err, buffer, handle){
handle = bf.reserve(numBlocks, cb)
Where cb
has the signature cb(err)
boolean = bf.release(handle, cb)
Where cb
has the signature cb(err)
reflects whether the handle was reserved already or not.
The parameters varying the size of segment numbers, block number, span numbers,
sizes of the Free Space Maps, etcetra.
default: 32
I haven't figured out how to get 64 to be encoded yet. Just stick with 32
Number of bit a handle value is contained as: 32
or 64
. Only encoding
into a 32bit value is supported with 32
. While 64
can not currently be
encoded into a 64bit value, ALL other constraints relating to bit lengths are
I am thinking of not having a 64bit handle option. :) solved that problem...
default: 12
4k blocks are default. pow(2,12) == 4096
default: blockSzBits
number of blocks per segment minus a checksum. Basically the free space map
is a bit field pow(fsmSzBits)
bytes long. However for safety we checksum the
bit field. That checksum (either 16 or 32 bits consumes 2 or 4 bytes of the
bit field. So the number of blocks in a segment is the same as the number of
bits in the Free Space Map minus the checksum bits.
If you make your blockSzBits smaller, feel free to keep the fsmSzBits large
by explicitly setting the value.
default: 4
original block + spanNumBits as an unsigned integer blocks
- 0 => no span blocks (just the original block)
- 1 => 1 or 2 blocks (aka original block + one more)
- 2 => 1, 2, 3, or 4 blocks
- 3 => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 blocks
- 4 => 1, 2, 3, ..., or 16 blocks
- 5 => 1, 2, 3, ..., or 32 blocks (you get the picture)
default: 16
supported: 16
and 32
default: 0
Really never used. Don't touch!
Basic Use
var async = require('async')
, fs = require('fs')
, BlockFile = require('block-file')
, hdls
, data_fn = ""
, hdls_fn = "my-data-hdls.json"
, str = "lorem ipsum ...", function(err, bf){
if (err) throw err
var strLen = Buffer.byteLength(str)
, buf = new Buffer(strLen+2)
, promises = []
buf.writeUInt16BE(strLen, 0)
buf.write(str, 2, strLen)
[ buf, buf ]
, function(b, next){, next) }
, function(err, res){
if (err) throw err
hdls = res
if (err) throw err
var a ={ return hdl.toString() })
fs.writeFileSync(hdls_fn, JSON.stringify(a))
var async = require('async')
, fs = require('fs')
, BlockFile = require('..')
, Handle = BlockFile.Handle
, data_fn = ""
, hdls_fn = "my-data-hdls.json"
, hdls = []
var hdlStrs = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(hdls_fn) )
var hdl = Handle.fromString( hdlStr )
}), function(err, bf){
if (err) throw err
var data = []
, function(hdl, next){
bf.load(hdl, function(err, buf, hdl_){
if (err) { next(err); return }
data.push([buf, hdl_])
, function(err){
if (err) throw err
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i+=1) {
var buf = data[i][0]
, hdl = data[i][1]
, len = buf.readUInt16BE(0)
, str = buf.toString('utf8', 2, len+2)
console.log("\nhdl = %s", hdl)
console.log("content = %s", str)