Its a development tool used to support frontend and backend developers during developing and using API.
See more on Bridgends.com.
Install and get started with bridgends
This page helps you to get started easily with the application.
The application uses embeded database and also the code has packaged into an executable file so you don't need to install any other dependencies.
Download it from here.
Install previous version
If you want to test the previous version of bridgends which is not suggested you need to do as the following.
Suppose we want to run bridgends on a front end developer's system and
there is an API on
CLI options
Start and stop bridgends process
bridgends start -t
bridgends stop
Multiple API target
bridgends start -t,
bridgends stop
Set port, savePath
- port:
- file path:
bridgends start -t -a /api2 -p 4542 -f /home/fingerpich/bridgendsFiles
bridgends stop
Run multi instance
bridgends start name
bridgends stop name